Weekly Reading – Parashat HaShavua
Weekly readings from the Torah with commentary from Moran.
Readings from Genesis
- Parashat Beresheet: In the Beginning
- Parashat Noah – Building the ark of redemption.
- Go Forth! (Parashat Lekh Lekha)
- Parashat Vayeira (And He Appeared)
- Parashat Chayei Sarah (The Life of Sarah)
- Parashat Toldot (Offspring)
- Parashat Vayeizei (And He Went Forth)
- Parashat Vayishlach (And He Sent)
- Parashat Vayeishev (And He Dwelt)
- Parashat Mikeitz (From the End)
Readings from Exodus
- Parashat Shemot (Names)
- Parashat Ve’eira (And I Appeared)
- Parashat Bo (Come)
- Parashat Beshalach (When He Sent)
- Parashat Yitro (Jethro)
- Parashat Mishpatim (Ordinance or Statute)
- Parashat Terumah (Offering)
- Parashat Tetzaveh (You Shall Command)
- Parashat Ki Tisa (When You Lift Up)
- Parashat Vayakhel (And He Assembled)
Readings from Leviticus
Readings from Numbers
Readings from Deuteronomy
Special Readings
- 2017—Pesach (Passover) Reflections
- 2015
- 2014—Passover Reflections
- 2013—Spring Cleaning: A Passover Reflection
- 2011—Parashah for Chol HaMoed Passover
- 2009—Passover 5769
- 2007—Preparation for Passover
High Holy Days
- Rosh Hashanah
- 2008—Rosh HaShanah
- Yom Kippur