“What is God’s Story In Your Life?” Part I

Have you ever been asked to share your testimony? If so, then you know you are being asked to share about something supernatural that happened in your life, i.e., how you came to faith, how God delivered you from an impossible situation, etc.  But if we think about it, the word “testimony” isn’t really an accurate way to describe such experiences.  A good friend of mine, Chris Suitt, refers to our testimonies as God’s story in our lives. I think this hits the bull’s-eye!

The reality is that once we refer to such experiences as “our testimony” then it becomes our story, and the focus is on us. On the other hand, when we refer to them as God’s story, then we give credit where credit is due…to Him!  It is, after all, because of His grace – and nothing that we have done – that we can have relationship with Him:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. “ Eph 2:8-9

So why, then, is it so important to share His story in our lives with others?

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

The Lord has brought us from darkness to light not so that we will create a name for ourselves, but in order that we will be His witness.  His miracles within our own lives allow us to witness of His kingdom, and indeed the very character of God, in order that those who are still in the darkness, will not only hear about God, but will also see Him at work in and through our lives.

I am writing this because I believe that terminology, the way we think, and how we say things are very important.  Very often we get used to a certain way of saying things, and while it may sound good and be with good intentions, we are missing the mark.

Let me remind us all of this:  It is not about us anymore, but all about Him.  We are here to be His witness for His glory in order to proclaim His Kingdom!

What is God’s story in your life today? Are you keeping it to yourself or are you sharing it with others?

Shabbat Shalom

2 Comments on ““What is God’s Story In Your Life?” Part I”

  1. 1 July 2012

    Dear Brother Moran,

    True and correct in every sense of the word, we must bear this in mind.

    It is absolutely G_d’s story in every individual’s life how marvelous are His ways, how He weave amazing works that we may understand He is in, at work that we can impart to lost people, that they may find Him as well in their lives; to share likewise to believers that they may worship even more and rejoice with us.

    Thank you, may this become the trend of believers’ understanding about his faith in HIM.

    Be greatly blest in all areas of your lives and ministries, Brethren of Hope for Israel. In His Name, amen.

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