Trusting the Lord
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” Prove 3:5-6
As I entered full-time ministry, I sought the blessing of those who were my spiritual leaders at that time. After asking for the blessing to start Hope for Israel ministries, the reply I received was, “ We will give you the blessing and a covering, but financially, you are on your own”. I must admit that that was not the reply I was hoping for! I was hoping that with the blessing, would come financial support. However, God had other plans. Today, looking back, I couldn’t be more thankful for that answer. God has shown me that Hope for Israel is His ministry, and no one but He can take credit for the work.
Once I knew that I was responsible for raising all my support, I immediately started giving letters to people I knew at that time, until the Lord said, “Stop. No more letters!” That was one of the few times I heard His voice in a very clear way. “No more letters? But I need support!” I told God. I made a decision to trust God. After all, if I believe in Him, then I need to abide by what He is telling me, and trust that He knows my needs better than I do (Matt 6).
The following week, I was sharing my testimony with a very small group of people; I made no mention of my need for support. At the end of my sharing, a gentleman approached me and asked, “How much money do you need?” “None” I replied. “You don’t need help?” he asked. “Yes, I do but I do not need your money. You go home, pray, and whatever the Lord lays on your heart to give, you give” I replied. He went home and, after seeking direction from the Lord, gave more than all of the funds combined that I was able to raise by my own power. What a great lesson I learned about trusting God to fulfill my needs!
Hope for Israel has been living by faith for the past 10 years. During 2009, we lived by faith from month to month. It was very difficult at times, but our needs were met every single month and my faith was strengthened as a result. The Lord constantly reminds me that this ministry is His and He cares for it.
I want to encourage you, dear brother and sister, to put the Lord first, trust Him and His promises in every area of your life, and be a “cheerful giver”. After all, what you have is not yours, but was entrusted to you by God for the use of His Kingdom.
Shabbat Shalom,
5 Comments on “Trusting the Lord”
How awesome that HaShem stirred in you the willingness to head-up this ministry that touches so many. Hope for Israel has brought light to many Israeli’s and may God bless your charity abundantly.
I love hearing how God works in His children’s lives when we allow Him to!
Thank you for the encouragement. : )
Don’t know if you remember me, but we were in the Prayer Room together at Hope a decade ago now (boy does time fly)… I wanted to ask you a question about the mood in Jerusalem now that the Hurva Synagogue is opening next month. Usually the focus is on the armed conflicts to come, but I’m interested to know if there is a mood of hopefulness among the Jews of Jerusalem now that this important Synagogue with the implications it has for the third Temple is at hand? God bless you my friend!
Shalom Moran.
thank for this encouragement message.
this was one of the first things we have learn the last three years sense we made Aliyah.
HE really wants as to depend on him .to trust in his word and his promise.
may he continue strength as wile we wait on him.
we praise him for what he have done with your baby Noyiah and family.
many blessings.
the Wagner’s