Reflections on My Recent Trip to the USA – Part 1

I first want to thank each of you who have been praying for my family’s and my recent trip to the USA. I hope and pray that this next small series of blog entries will be an encouragement to each of you, especially as I believe God is calling us all to a deeper commitment in our walk with Him.

As I was praying prior to my trip, and seeking God for His direction as to what I should speak on, He gave me two questions: Do you know Me? If yes, then what does it mean on a practical level?

I believe that these two questions are the two most important questions anyone could ask himself.  The sad reality is that we live in a day and age where a “watered- down” gospel is preached; faith in Yeshua has become very much about us and less about Him.  So many people are looking for a gospel that will tickle their ears and make them feel good… about themselves and their lives. All around us there are those who give these kinds of messages from the pulpit, and congregations are full of people living with one foot in the world, and the other in faith. In many congregations in America today, the crux of the message is, “It’s all about you”.  Even most of our contemporary worship songs are self-focused! I believe that this self-focused movement in the Body of Messiah is the main reason that those two questions were sitting so strongly on my heart.  They were actually what my messages were centered around.

One of the most encouraging things I saw, however, is that many people were hungry for the truth.  I feel very strongly that I cannot compromise on the word that God gives me, even if it offends people.  But very few people were offended; actually, many were grateful.  People were repenting and choosing to turn their backs to sin, and turn their face to God.

Yeshua said that we would know the truth, and the truth would set us free.  The basic truth of our faith is that if we truly know God, then our lives will reflect that in our daily submission to His will, because we desire to honor Him.  Following Yeshua is the total opposite of self:

“And He summoned the multitude with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Mark 8:34

For the past few years, I have been pleading to God to give an extra period of grace to the United State of America. I dearly love America; it is a country founded on very strong values, with a strong foundation in the Lord.  Sadly, America has walked away from its values and has uprooted itself from its very foundation. I was blessed to see a hunger for the truth that I have not seen in many years traveling and speaking throughout the USA.  I think it is a sign of the times, as we near the time of tribulation with each passing day.

With that, I would like to leave you with an exhortation:

“And working together with Him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain —for He says, “AT THE ACCEPTABLE TIME I LISTENED TO YOU, AND ON THE DAY OF SALVATION I HELPED YOU”; behold, now is “THE ACCEPTABLE TIME,” behold, now is “THE DAY OF SALVATION” 2 Cor 6:1-2

Let us not walk focused on self, but on Him who gives us the grace to endure and be victorious in Him!

Shabbat Shalom,


5 Comments on “Reflections on My Recent Trip to the USA – Part 1”

  1. Dear Moran I agree with you .Things are going downhill here in the Usa..Sin is accepted out right.
    Like Gay marrage. I think this is a slap in Gods face.I say You can dress up sin anyway you choose
    and still is sin.Unfortunately like you said people want a watered down message. or God wants you to
    be rich physically.Come o God wants us to be Holy as he .is.It was not like that fifty years ago.
    I am praying for a revial here in usa and it begins with me. amen?

  2. Thank you for this post, Moran! And thank you for your love for our country. I agree with what you have written and I ask my brothers and sisters (including you) to always respond to the discernment given by the Holy Spirit to take up intercession for the church in our country. Please understand that I am not making any assumptions about whether or not disciples of Yeshua (including you) are praying, I am only taking this opportunity to remind everyone who loves Messiah that discernment is always (among other things) an invitation for intercession. It is an awesome priviledge to pray for the church in every nation and to love what and who our Messiah Yeshua loves. Our Messiah loves His church in the United States in the midst of her weakness and sin. I ask Father to bless you and your family richly!

  3. That is key for us in the body! We need to stay focused on Him, and ask Him to guide and direct us in our daily lives. Thank you again Moran for your visit to Lancaster. Looking forward to seeing you again in the future. God Bless you, your family and your ministry.

  4. Thank you for your insight. I have been seeing the same thing for years. My husband and I are in the ministry. My heart has been saddened many times to see people turn away from true Bible Studies to ones that “tickle” their ear and preach more about self rather than, less of self and more of Jesus. (Especially friends in the ministry and church). This is not something the majority want to hear; yet, for those who do, they are blessed and grow spiritually. 🙂 Thank you for coming to our country and preaching. Thank you for your prayers. I will pray for you, your family and your ministry. Blessings. 🙂

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