Parashat B’chukotai (In My Decrees) Leviticus 26:3-27:34


Parashat B’chukotai (In My Decrees) Leviticus 26:3-27:34

Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14

Shabbat Chazak

Grace Grace Grace, yes even in the Torah one can find numerous examples of G-d’s grace. The recipient is usually Israel. Why is that? G-d’s grace was extended time and time again to the Jewish people because of the covenant relationship they have with G-d. In this week’s Torah portion Israel hears about the severity of G-d’s punishment. He mentions several series of punishments that He will place upon Israel, but in the end a remnant will find forgiveness. One should never believe that the Jewish people do not need Messiah Yeshua—there is no salvation without Him. There is an absolute necessity for each person, Jew and Gentile alike, to confess the name of Messiah personally when receiving the Gospel.

Yet one needs to realize that especially in the last days, G-d will move among Israel and even use them to bring about certain prophecies that must take place in order for the Kingdom to be established. The prophets of both the Old and New Testaments make it clear that both Israel and the body of Messiah have distinct calls. It is only when these things are carried out, will the greatest number of people be saved. Salvation is at the heart of what believers should be about. Sharing the Gospel must be the focus of our lives, all the while understanding that in a particular way HaShem will use Israel and the Jewish people as part of His Kingdom plan.

Both G-d’s grace and His faithfulness are seen when He says,

I will remember My covenant O Jacob and even My covenant O Isaac and even My covenant O Abraham I will remember and the Land I will remember.” Leviticus 26:42

The words “covenant” and “remember” appear three times in this verse. The number three when it relates to G-d speaks to Holiness. Therefore the holiness of G-d will be manifested when HaShem remembers His covenant that He made with the Patriarchs. The word “remember” is related to redemption, as it was only when G-d stated that He remembered His covenant that He redeemed Israel out of Egypt,

And G-d heard their groaning and G-d remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.” Exodus 2:24

Notice that the Patriarchs are also mentioned here but in the opposite order than the verse from Leviticus. The Exodus passage is the normal way. Why then is the order different in Leviticus? Whereas in the book of Exodus the context is the first redemption, the Leviticus passage is speaking about the final redemption. Also in the Leviticus passage the name Jacob is spelled uniquely as an additional letter is used. This letter is the sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The number six represents grace. Why is it so important for G-d to be gracious to Israel and to keep covenant with them? The answer is that by HaShem doing so it is a testimony to believers in Messiah Yeshua. It demonstrates that if G-d was absolutely faithful to Israel, then He will also be just as faithful to the body of Messiah. Praise Him!

Shabbat Shalom 

2 Comments on “Parashat B’chukotai (In My Decrees) Leviticus 26:3-27:34”

  1. It is all about God’s Kingdom and God cannot lie He will remember His covenant with Jacob.
    may HaShem Bless you and keep His Word in your heart.
    Delphine Reynolds-Mengel

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