“…for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3b (Part 2)

I wrote on my last blog: “The Lord is the One leading us; the Lord is the One working within us and through us; the Lord is the One who restores our souls and He alone leads us in circles of righteousness. The Lord is the One doing all this… for His name’s sake.”

God’s ways are often a mystery to us. We often try to understand why He does something, especially when it seems unfair or undeserved. But we must understand that He always acts in accordance to truth and His promises!  One of the clearest examples that we have of this is the miracle of Israel’s existence.   Many argue that God abandoned Israel long ago due to her unfaithfulness to Him.  Yet, God is faithful to His promises; He is sovereign, merciful, and mighty. God made a covenant with Abraham, which continued on to Isaac, and then to Jacob who became Israel. It was an everlasting and unconditional covenant. The prophet Samuel put it best when he addressed the nation of Israel:

“For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the LORD has been pleased to make you a people for Himself.” 1 Sam 12:22

Throughout the Bible, we see a very special, yet complicated type of relationship between God and the Children of Israel. It is a relationship of great love and compassion, yet we also find anger and disappointment in it. However, the most important part about this relationship is the mere fact that God is a God of His word; He does not break His word, but is faithful to it. In spite of Israel’s rejection, rebellion, and disobedience, the Lord did not leave Israel, nor reject her simply because God cannot go back on His word.

The wonderful news is that this God – the One that made an unconditional covenant with Israel, and one that we see its fruit even today – is the same God you and I believe in! Be encouraged, no matter what you are going through right now… God is with you, He will bring you back to Him, just like He did again and again with Israel, and He will lead you in circles of righteousness to exhibit His faithfulness and power in your life.

Let me end with a word of caution, however. God’s faithfulness to us does not give us license to sin freely.  Yes, He is merciful and full of compassion, but it is also true that God will not be mocked; a man will indeed reap what he sows  (Galatians 6:7).

If you truly are a follower of the Messiah, may I encourage you to allow Him to reflect His mercy and grace in your life as He leads you in circles of righteousness for His own namesake and glory.

Shabbat Shalom,


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