I would like to start this entry with a word of encouragement for each one of you reading. As I study and prepare to write these blog entries, I find treasures in the richness of God’s Word. The depth of the Word is powerful, and when we come across a verse that, on the surface, may have a simple meaning, let me encourage you to take the time to search deeper; I believe that you will be amazed at what you discover.
As I was reading this verse in Psalm 122, it seems to be a simple blessing of nice words for all those who wish well for Jerusalem. However, as I was “digging” deeper, I found an interesting meaning that I’d like to share.
The Hebrew word used in this verse to describe “walls” is “בְּחֵילֵ֑ךְ” “BeChilech”, which indeed should be translated as “walls”. However, the root of this word is “חֵילֵ֑” “Cheil” which is actually the lower wall that used to surround the main, taller wall that surrounded the fortress, or in our case, the outer wall of Jerusalem itself.
When one sees the walls of the old city of Jerusalem today, one sees only the tall wall, which was intended to defend and protect the city from the enemy. I believe that these walls cannot compare to the walls that once surrounded the city during the time when David wrote this psalm. The important thing to note in this psalm, however, is the fact that David speaks peace over the small (shorter) wall, which used to surround the tall one.
What could this mean? Well, I believe that David is writing of a day where we will no longer need the “big, tall” walls to protect Jerusalem, since there will be peace within the city. This is something that the prophet Isaiah also alludes to in Chapter 26, verse 1:
“In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security.”
“In that day” refers to the day of His return, and when one reads Isaiah 26 one can see that this chapter clearly points to the fact that Messiah will come to judge, and then redeem the city from its impurities and iniquities.
Today, I ask you to pray for peace within the walls of Jerusalem; we need His covering more than ever, and as times will grow more difficult, we need His Spirit to pour fourth in Israel.
Shabbat Shalom,
One Comment on ““May peace be within your walls; peace and quiet within your Palaces.” Psalm 122:7”
For the last several months I believe that the L-rd has shown me that praying for the peace of Jerusalem is synonymous with praying for the return of our Messiah. Your blog entry confirms that for me. Baruch Hashem!