New Government to Be Announced This Week: After weeks of very difficult negotiations, it appears the new government will be formed this week. It appears that progress was made Saturday night with between Netanyahu’s Likud-Beitenu party and Lapid’s Yesh Atid and Bennett’s Bayit Yehudi parties. Please pray for the right people to be placed in the right positions and that they would govern justly and with wisdom. Please also pray that God would convict the hearts of those who are corrupt or who are seeking their own interest. Lastly, please pray that the new government would help lead Israel to a place where believers can shine as a light and bring many to their Messiah. For more, see Coalition Negotiations
2 Air Force Pilots Die in Accident: Two Israeli Air Force pilots died in an air accident on Tuesday while flying a Cobra helicopter. The two were on reserve duty when their aircraft went down. The air force has had a number of incidents with the Cobra helicopters. Please pray for the family to know the comfort of the Messiah. Please also pray for a just investigation to prevent any other such incidents. Lastly, please continue to intercede for those in the Body of Messiah who are in the military, that God would protect them and that they would be a light to all those around them. For more, see Air Force Accident
Rash of Racist Youth Violence in Israel: There have been a number of racist attacks perpetuated by Israeli youth in recent weeks. Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino has called the attacks “despicable” and said that they only serve to heighten already high tensions between Arabs and Jews. Please pray that Israeli youth would experience the love of the Messiah and not try to take justice into their own hands or act violently against innocent civilians in retribution for what they see as wrongs done them. Please pray that they would forgive and that they would feel convicted in their hearts for all hatred and bitterness. Please also pray that no more innocent Arabs would be hurt by such acts. Lastly, please pray for the restoration of Israel and God’s beautiful reconciliation between Jew and Arab through the Messiah. For more, see Racist Attacks
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying and standing with Israel! Shevuah Tov…
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team