June 4, 2013

IDF Cancels Reserve Duty for 2013:  Due to budget cuts, the IDF has cancelled all reservist duties for the remainder of the year.  Every man, up to age 40, is required to serve in the reserves, and the Reservists are a large part of Israel’s defense in times of war.  This is a huge shift in Israel’s defense policy, especially since Israel relies heavily on its reserves and works hard to keep them trained and up to date in times of war.  Please pray that Israel will rely on the LORD for her defense, and not trust in “chariots and horses”, as the Scripture says.  Please also pray for God’s wisdom for our leaders – government and military – during these trying times.  For more, see Reservists

Arab Taxi Drive Attacked by Jewish Youth:  An Arab man was attacked by two Jewish teenagers in an apparent hate crime in a Jerusalem neighborhood.  They attempted to kill him, but did not succeed after the driver fought back.  These kinds of attacks are on the rise, and are causing the tensions between Jews and Arabs in Israel to rise.  This can only lead to further attacks between the two people groups, which could snowball into a worse situation.  Please pray that the youth responsible for this attack will be brought to justice quickly.  Please also pray that the victim will heal quickly, and for the LORD’s intervention in any further attacks.  For more, see Taxi Driver Attacked

Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah.  Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.

Thank you for praying!

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team

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