Abbas Names New PA Prime Minister: Palestinian Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, appointed Rami Hamdallah the new Prime Minister of the PA. While this is mostly a title, this position can have much influence on the policy of the PA, especially as Abbas considers heading back to the table to reinstate the stalled “peace” process. Hamdallah is a highly educated man, holding a PhD from a UK university, and is currently the president of a Palestinian university. Please continue to pray for the situation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority as there is no clear political solution. Please pray that a revival will come to pass in the hearts of both Jew and Arab that we may know peace through the Prince of Peace, Yeshua! For more, see New PM
Assad “Pressured” to Take Control of Golan: In an interview for a Lebanese television station, Syrian dictator Bashar Assad claimed that he is under pressure to start a front with Israel over the Golan Heights. The Golan is a very strategic and important part of Israel, which enables Israel to defend itself more readily. While Israel and Syria do not have a peace treaty, there has been very little fighting between the two countries since Israel took back the Golan in the 6-Day War of 1967. That may be about to change as Syria looks for ways to avoid world’s eye regarding the civil war currently waging within the country. Please pray that God will continue to protect the Golan Heights and for great wisdom for Israel as yet another front may be presenting itself. For more, see Golan
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying!
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team