I am counting on you!

I Am Counting On You!

I lead a small discipleship group, in which I have been encouraging the members to pray for one another.  I strongly believe that prayer is a simple, yet powerful tool to affect change in each other’s lives.  So I asked each person to commit to pray for one another during the coming week.  Each one committed to do so.

During our meeting the following week, I asked if any of them had followed through with their commitment to pray for each other.  I was met with a sea of blank stares.  Sadly, not only had all but one forgotten entirely about the prayer commitment, but no one had actually prayed.  A few weeks passed, and every week when asked if anyone had prayed, maybe one person had actually remembered and taken the time to pray for the others.

One of the young men in the group served in the IDF in a combat unit.  I asked him, if during battle, he could trust the men in his unit to do their job; he said, “Yes, of course!”  I then asked him if they could also trust him, to which he said, “Yes.”  I asked, “So why is it that we as believers come to our weekly meetings just to find out that the other men on our team did not do their job?  How can we trust one another in the battle?”

The truth is, we followers of the Messiah are in the midst of a war – a Spiritual war.  It is not a war against flesh and blood but against the dark powers of the world (Ephesians 6:12). We cannot live victoriously by ourselves; we need help!  God has given us one another to pray for, so that we may stand in the midst of the daily battle and not fall. It is a great privilege to pray for and encourage our brothers and sisters so that they can continue to run the race set before them, and not fall prey to the weariness of battle.  I believe that if we want to see change in each other’s lives, if we want to see victories, then we must first start to pray for one another.

Will you join me in praying for each other?  I am counting on you!



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6 Comments on “I am counting on you!”

  1. Hello Brother Moran, Thank you for the reminder and admonition to pray faithfully for those I have committed to pray for, and those I just know I should. This week I dedided that I would pray for my missionary friends every day. I had not included you, but now I will. I would like to share that praying for those brother and sisters who are leaders in this spiritual war is very very satisfying and humbling. I encourage others to consider doing the same. Praying for you in Norther California, Shalom, Greg

  2. I will be praying for your discipleship group.As I read today’s message the following verses from Colossians 1:3-6, 9-12 came to mind (with a bit of my own wording):
    “(Since I discovered HFI), (I) pray always giving thanks for you (your family and the staff and all ministry aspects of HFI) to God, the Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. For (I) have heard of your trust in the Messiah Yeshua and of the love you have for all God’s people….Therefore, from the day (I) heard of it, (I) have not stopped praying for you, asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all the wisdom and understanding which the Spirit gives; so that you may live lives worthy of the Lord and entirely pleasing to him, being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God. (I) pray that you will be continually strengthened with all the power that comes from his glorious might; so that you will be able to persevere and be patient in any situation, joyfully giving thanks to the Father for having made you fit to share in the inheritance of his people in the light.”
    You can indeed count on my prayers! Shabbat Shalom!

  3. A very convicting story. Yes I agree with one of the other contributors that the world has a way of causing me to take my eye off the true goal. I will pray. With G_d’s help, I need to refocus.

  4. An awesome Illustration Moran and so vitally important. Yeshua asked His apostles to pray for Him during His tremendous battle and suffering, but they were weak and fell asleep.

    We cannot afford to dose off or sleep while our brothers and sisters are in battle on a daily basis, no matter where they are. In His strength, power and love, we can “stay the course” and be obedient to His will of praying for each other daily. J

    Just as we eat to stay alive, our diet of daily prayer for each other to stay alive and healthy in HIM is even more important!

    You are all continually in my prayers and in listening for His voice ….. at a deeper level… a heart felt cry for the salvation of all.

    His Shalom to you all, Mary

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