In my previous blog entry, I wrote, “Our Heavenly Father, the One who in the beginning created the heavens and earth, who brought Israel back to the Promised Land, who resurrected His Son from the dead, He is the One standing right beside you …”
Reflecting on 2013, one of the things that I am most thankful for is what God has done in our office here in Israel. A year ago, the Lord put it on my heart to start a program together with my staff of reading the Bible through in one year. While it was challenging for some, the thing that I noticed was my staff’s renewed commitment to the Lord, to reading His Word, and to following Him more closely as they applied the Word to their lives. It also brought our staff much closer as we shared, prayed, and encouraged one another throughout the year.
Looking forward to 2014, my goal is to continue to follow Yeshua’s call to make disciples:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;” Matt 28:19 -20a
I personally believe that one of the most effective and important ways by which we can bring the Good News into the world is through discipleship making. However, the reality is that making disciples is not an easy task; it requires self-sacrifice, devotion, and a great deal of our time.
Often times, when I read books or hear messages on these verses, commonly referred to as “The Great Commission”, I believe that many miss something crucial that Yeshua said before and after He told us to “Go and Make disciples”. These words can make all the difference in our approach to sharing how one may become a disciple:
“And Yeshua came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” Matt 28:18
Before Yeshua charged us with the responsibility to “Go”, He reminded us who He is, who is the One that we have put our trust in, devoted our lives to, and follow. He reminded us of His power and the power that He was given by the Father. He also reminded us of the fact that He sends us into the World, to make a difference in the world, to be salt and light, and proclaim the Good News through discipleship making. He is the One that was given all authority in heaven and on earth, and it is He who is with us until the very end:
“and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:20b
As you take stock of 2013, and look forward to 2014, I want to remind you and encourage you that you are not alone. The One who was has all authority in heaven and on earth is standing right there beside you, waiting for you to simply put your trust in Him, to hold His hand, and to remember that He is with you every step of the way.
In His strength and power, you can affect great change in this world and bring HOPE to those who are hungry for the truth!
Shabbat Shalom,
One Comment on “Foresight for 2014: “For You Are With Me” Psalm 23:4”
O desejo de fazer discípulos nasce dentro do cristão quando ele já alcançou o encontro com Deus, após ele ter nascido do Espírito Santo e de ter tido experiências com Deus. Pois para ensinar e formar um discípulo tenho que primeiro ser um discípulo.
Quem de nascer de Deus e e experimenta da salvação em Yeshua, imediatamente nascer o desejo dentro dela de salvar outras pessoas para que também sejam livres da escravidão espiritual, pois, quem foi salvo quer salvar.
E para o desenvolver da intimidade com Yeshua é necessário realmente nos aproximarmos D’Ele com mais firmeza, com mais dedicação a leitura da bíblia e buscarmos nos encher das coisas santas, estarmos conectados mais com ele do que com as coisas desse mundo. Isso nos torna mais forte espiritualmente e conseguimos perceber a Sua voz falando conosco, porque estamos ligados com Ele.
Se nos inclinarmos para as coisas do Espírito colheremos os frutos do Espírito Santo, porém, se nos inclinarmos para as coisas carnais da carne colheremos corrupção e morte espiritual.