Israel Awaits Results from Burgas Investigation: Israel is awaiting the results of an investigation into the bombing that occurred last July in Burgas, Bulgaria which killed 5 Israelis and a Bulgarian. The results are expected to be released today. Israel has linked Hezbollah and Iran to the attack and Israel hopes that the investigation’s results will pressure the EU to place Hezbollah on a list of prohibited terror groups, preventing any financial transactions to go to Hezbollah. The terror group is currently not listed as such in the EU. Please pray that the investigation results will open the eyes of the international community to the further importance of dealing with Iran and Hezbollah. Please also pray for God to comfort the families of the 5 Israelis who were killed. Lastly, please intercede for Israelis traveling around the world, that they would be protected from further attacks and would recognize God as their Protector. For more, see Burgas Investigation Results
Knesset Members Set to be Sworn in: The 120 members of the 19th Israeli Knesset are set to be sworn in today. Social activists are already planning to surround the Knesset and remind members to stand by their obligations. This Knesset faces many challenges and pressures, with both economic and security threats. Please pray that wisdom will be give to the Knesset members and that they would use their position to truly serve Israel and not their own self-interest. Please also pray that God would begin to reveal Himself to Knesset members so that they can speak out in truth. Lastly, please pray for Israel as we face many threats both internally and externally. For more, see 19th Knesset
Negotiations Continue for Israeli Coalition: Negotiations are continuing for the formation of a coalition that will represent Israel in the government. This is a very complicated process with a lot of bargaining and maneuvering for positions. Please pray that Netanyahu and those making coalition decisions will do what is right for Israel rather than only seeking interests in the process. Please also pray that those with integrity and justice would be given a place in the coalition and that all such decisions would be made in an honest way. Lastly, please pray for Israel’s next government to have wisdom in this crucial period. For more, see Detangling Israel’s Election Results
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying and standing with Israel! Shevuah Tov…
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team