Riots Follow Palestinian Prisoner’s Death: Riots broke out in various areas of the West Bank after Palestinian prisoner, Arafat Jaradat, died. Israel claims he died of a heart attack while the Palestinian Authority claim that he died after being tortured. He was laid to rest on Monday, with military honors. Jaradat was arrested last week after throwing stones at security forces. After his funeral, hundreds of Palestinians threw stones at security forces. Some reports state that up to 25,000 Palestinians attended Jaradat’s funeral. Please pray that unrest would not spread and that all innocent civilians, both Jewish and non-Jewish, would be protected. Please pray for wisdom to be given to leaders and security forces as they respond to violence. Lastly, please pray for God to reveal Himself to the Palestinian prisoners and that they would turn to Him and be a testimony to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the Palestinian people. For more, see Death Sparks Riots
West To Offer Sanctions Relief to Iran at Nuclear Talks: If Iran closes its Fordow uranium enrichment plant, the West may offer it some sanctions relief. However, sanctions could worsen if the plan falls through. Israel is very concerned about the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear power. Please pray for the upcoming talks to result in a wise solution rather than continuing the status quo. Also, pray for the people of Iran who are suffering under the sanctions, that they would be comforted by God and that the believers in Iran would be a light in the midst of the darkness. Lastly, please pray for God’s shield of protection to be over Israel. For more, see Upcoming Iran Talks
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying and standing with Israel! Shevuah Tov…
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team