Abbas Threatens to Dismantle PA – Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Chairman, has threatened to dissolve the Palestinian Authority after the Israeli Elections if negotiations for “peace” have not moved forward. Abbas has refused to enter into talks since Netanyahu took office in 2009, and the preconditions for talks are items that need to be negotiated in and of themselves. Please pray for this serious situation, as it could very well lead to outright chaos and a 3rd Intifada if it happens. Please pray that the LORD will bless Israel’s leaders with great wisdom in how to handle this serious threat. For more, see No More PA?
Chemical Weapons in Syria – The rebel forces trying to overthrow Bashar Assad claim that he has used phosphorous bombs against them. These are against international law and if found to be true, could bring some serious consequences for Assad. The major concern in Israel is that these weapons could make their way to Israeli soil, or fall into the hands of terror groups, such as Hizbullah. Please pray for the situation in Syria to be resolved immediately, and for God’s healing for the Syrian people. Please also pray for God’s swift justice for those who have perpetrated these heinous acts, and for His protection over Israel during this violent civil war. For more, see Phosphorous Bombs
Israeli Elections – Israel will hold elections for a new government on January 22, 2013. Please continue to pray that God will protect Israel during this time of campaigning and that all members of the government will keep Israel’s security and the safety of her people a top priority. Please also pray that the people of Israel will elect a God-fearing leader who will lead Israel in these trying times. For more information on the upcoming elections from a Messianic perspective, click here
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying! SHABBAT SHALOM…
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team