We can’t let terror win! During the past days, I have seen a shift in world opinion with regard to the current operation of the IDF in the Gaza Strip. No doubt, the reports coming from Gaza are tragic and difficult to digest. The reality is that no one enjoys pictures of dead children and families who have lost their homes. What makes this tragedy even more difficult are all the rumors and misinformation behind the photos and reports. My intention in this blog is not to open a heated discussion about who is “right” in this war. However, no one can argue the fact that there is a strong bias against Israel throughout the world (which began long before this current operation started almost four weeks ago…) People need to know the facts and get them right; sadly, the majority of these dead children, and homeless families are the result of being used by Hamas as human shields. Hamas has launched over 2,670 rockets into Israel in over 5 weeks (even during the Humanitarian Cease Fire agreement), and leaves Israel with no other choice but to protect its citizens from this indiscriminate killing spree. The painful reality is that in war, innocent civilians die as well. The IDF is facing an impossibly hard reality, and some of the Israeli soldiers have lost their lives when choosing not to shoot a terrorist in order to protect women and children around him.
I started this entry with the words, “We can’t let terror win!” and my hope is that you will take action against the direction the world is taking nowadays with regard to Israel and the operation which is talking place at the moment.
Last week, I was informed that my flight from the USA to Israel was canceled due to the current conflict, and in fact, most of the world airlines with the exception of El Al, Arkia Israeli Airline, as well as British Airways, cancelled their flights to Israel. As of today, all airlines – except Korean Airlines – have renewed their flights to Israel. At first, I was stunned that after only two weeks of war, these airlines cancel all flights to Israel. What about flying to the Ukraine, Syria and Egypt, all of which are embroiled in wars far deadlier and more violent than that of Israel and Gaza? And as for Korean Airlines, the threat from North Korea is far greater than Israel! While the airlines and the FAA may blame the situation, the reality is that right after the airlines’ announcement, the international pressure on Israel for an immediate unconditional cease-fire immediately intensified … terror won!
I finally returned to Israel on Thursday night of last week, and not long after, I got the news that a friend was critically wounded in Gaza. On Friday morning, I went to visit him in the hospital, and then in the evening, my family and I visited around 190 people that Hope for Israel relocated from the war zone to safe shelter. That night after coming home and putting the kids to bed, I got the news that another friend’s son was injured and was entering surgery to remove shrapnel from his body. So, come Saturday morning, I was on my way to yet another hospital to be with yet another family suffering the trauma of this situation.
But that, unfortunately, was not the worst of it. During this past week, I went to visit and comfort friends of mine from my kibbutz whose 20-year-old son was killed in Gaza. So many painful memories of losing many close friends during my time in the IDF came flooding back. While at the kibbutz, I met with a close family member whose husband is serving in Gaza. She has two very young children (ages 2 and 7 months), and it pained me to see them struggle as they think their Dad simply went to work for a long time, and can’t understand the reason he can’t talk to them or come home.
The following day, I returned to the families of the communities that we relocated, to listen to their struggles, as well as try to encourage them. There I saw weary families who left their homes near the Gaza Strip over three weeks ago, who have no idea when they will be able to return, under what conditions they will be now be living due to the reality of Hamas’ terror tunnels, and whether they will even have a house to go back to. I saw children who simply don’t understand why can’t they go back home, why their moms cry and why their dads worry so much.
And the world…the world is heavily pressuring Israel to stop – to stop protecting its citizens while Hamas enjoys virtually no condemnation from the international community. Their “armed struggle” is justified by the world because Israel doesn’t even deserve to exist; the price of a dead Israeli, the “aggressor”, means nothing; the threat of attacks on citizens of a sovereign country via tunnels or rockets means nothing; the fact that Israel is defending itself from an enemy who has sworn itself to bring about her complete destruction does not matter. The world is being blinded by the evil one, as the Bible foretold. These are definitely times in which we need to be alert and awake!
My brothers and sisters, my heart’s sincerest desire in these times is that, as you see and read the truth, you will be inspired to take a stand! Don’t just take a stand for Israel; take a stand for the TRUTH and His Word! And do not cease to pray for all who do not yet know Messiah – Jew and Arab alike – as these times make us all more aware that tomorrow is not promised to anyone and we grow closer to meeting our Creator with each day.
God bless you and all of Israel!
8 Comments on “We Can’t Let Terror Win: Operation Restoration Update”
Amen. You have articulated my very hearts cry! Moran, we thank G-d for you and your reporting of the facts and your desire to see all come to know Messiah Yeshua. We pray for the safety of all the innocent in Israel including Gaza. We pray that the truth will prevail & scales will drop from blinded eyes. We pray for the Leadership of Israel for discernment, compassion and Adonai’s leading. All prayer in Yeshua’s Name
Moran thank you for what you do. You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work. Praying my heart out for Israel, you, and all the young men and women fighting for all of us in this spiritual battle.
Thank you for sharing. I cannot imagine what you all are going through or are facing daily. My heart and prayers are with you. 🙁
Moran, please continue to inform us with how we can continue to pray. From our very pleasant , plush and very secure homes here, it is very difficult to live what the victims of this unending and atrocious war is putting them through.
God tells us about these times, yet many are just covering their ears to His voice and take sides. This situation is dividing families, friendships, nations. Pretty soon it looks like Israel will be standing alone. The innocent Palestinians will suffer even more. In the midst of this chaos, I pray many will cry out in their distress and He will tear the blinders off their eyes. May Jesus appear to them, may His love wrap them in comfort as they get ready to meet their Maker.
I’m not much help here if I take sides or become outraged but I am told by the One who knows and allows all things to work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose to not cease in prayer as the firery artillery rains down. I’m told to intercede and pray for the lost. I will continue to as such. Please keep us informed. Too much biased news comes our way.
The American people share your grief…so please Don’t believe all you are hearing. There are more Americans with Israel than not. The media as usual tout the liberal talking points and the majority is us are onto their lies; we also know who’s boots they shine on a daily basis. Moran, We know who wins at the end so please keep the faith. Praying you there will remain safe.
The American people share your grief…so please Don’t believe all you are hearing. There are more Americans with Israel than not. The media as usual tout the liberal talking points and the majority of us are onto their lies; we also know who’s boots they shine on a daily basis. Moran, We know who wins at the end so please keep the faith. Praying you there will remain safe.
Moran, thank you for continuing to open a window for us so that we can see with our ears the truth that is really happening. My heart goes out to the IDF soldiers. They are like family and that is thanks to you and your ministry. I will never forget meeting some of the IDF and the priviledge of sharing with them. I’ve continued to pray for them since that moment, and I continue to pray for Israel, you, Melissa and your family. May God’s protection surround you and keep you like a sheild.
Hi Moran – you are in my prayers as I stand with Israel and daily do battle for her online defending her against people who are antisemitic. This is the great delusion that is coming upon the world. It is unbelievable to me how quickly these things are happening and the depth of the blindness and madness that is on the world. Even though I know it is prophesied……….A good example is the indian chairperson from the UN who complained against USA for not giving Hamas an Iron dome too – madness! Praise Yeshua it is all proof that He coming back soon for His Bride. I pray for your ministry and appreciate your newsletters keeping us all informed of the Truth( I no longer watch the news as I do not trust the media any longer). YHWH bless you for your faithfulness. Your sister in Yeshua Debbie