April 4, 2013

Palestinians Clash With IDF: Palestinians have been clashing with the IDF at several funerals. 1 funeral was being held for a Palestinian prisoner who died of cancer, while 2 more were being held for 2 youth who were shot and killed after they attacked the IDF with Molotov cocktails and firebombs. Palestinians were outraged, even blaming Israel for the prisoner’s death despite autopsy results. Please pray for peace to return to Judea and Samaria and that the situation would not worsen. Please also pray for wisdom to be given to Israeli officials and the IDF in handling the situation and that they would act justly. Lastly, please pray that many would look to their Messiah as the answer rather than empty political solutions. For more, see West Bank Clashes

Syria Sending Militias to Iran for Training: Syria is reportedly sending militias to Iran for training, giving them more sophisticated skills in warfare and guerrilla warfare. Assad is hoping to bolster his forces to 100,000 to squelch the uprising against him that has been raging for over 2 years.  Many are concerned that the conflict in Syria could spill over into Israel before long. Please pray for those in Syria, that God would comfort those who have lost someone and that the believers in Syria would be a light in the dark situation there. Please also pray that the conflict there would not spill over into Israel and that Israel can continue to be an island of stability in the otherwise unstable region. Lastly, please pray that God would reveal Himself to many in the region, including by restoring Israel. For more, see Syrian Militias to Iran

Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah.  Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.

Thank you for praying and standing with Israel! Shabbat Shalom…

The Hope for Israel

Prayer Team

2 Comments on “April 4, 2013”

  1. We are praying with you, Israel. Yeshua Maschiach daily reminds, leads us into prayer. HE is aware, He had never forsaken, forgotten. We are with you, Israel. Strengthen our Brethren Hope For Israel, oh JEHOVAH G_D, encourage them, in YOUR ALL MIGHTY NAME.

  2. Moran:
    I thank you for your weekly update of what’s going on in Israel. I always pray for the needs requested and also for you and your family. We are praying that The Lord allows us to go back in the fall and also for His provision.
    May The Lord protect you and all the volunteers involved in your ministry and also give you the strenght to go on spreading the “Good news”
    Shalom dear brother.

    Sagemont Church
    Houston Texas.

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