David was, without a doubt, an anointed man; to accomplish all that he did, one would have to be anointed. Not only was David a great warrior and leader, he also wrote some of the most anointed words in Scripture. What is remarkable about David is that He acknowledged the fact that God anointed him; he relied so heavily on God to accomplish the task set before him, fully trusting that God would equip him for the job.
When we read the Scriptures, we read about some great men and women of faith, people that we admire and often wish we could be like. This applies as well to people we know today. I often hear the phrase, “This person is so anointed”. While there’s nothing wrong in recognizing God’s anointing on someone, the problem arises when the focus is more on the person than on the One who gave the anointing. We praise the person instead of the God who gave the anointing…and can also take it away. We have a tendency to elevate people in the Body of Messiah, especially leaders or those with certain spiritual gifts, which is tantamount to idolatry! Let us not forget that without God’s call and anointing, they could not accomplish anything.
I would like to encourage all of us to think about a couple things:
- Worship God alone, and stop worshipping men. David was a man just like you and me; he had a sinful nature, yet God called him and anointed him in a great way. Are you elevating anyone over God?
- Stop giving excuses for not doing God’s will. David was a scrawny young shepherd that no one thought could do much good. Again, David was a man with a sinful nature, someone who in our day and age would be kicked out of the congregation due to him committing adultery and murder! Yet, God did great and mighty things through him. Are you giving excuses for why you are not doing His work? Please remember, it’s not about you! It’s all about Him.
My brothers and sisters, God loves for us is so intense and great that He gave us His only beloved Son, that through Him, we could have renewed relationship with the Father. This same God has anointed you – and equipped you – to do the task that He has called you to. Are you ready to submit yourself to Him, and see Him do great things in and through your life for His Glory and namesake?
Let me encourage you that, from personal experience, this is the most rewarding and satisfying thing that one can do.
Shabbat Shalom,
One Comment on ““You Anointed My Head With Oil”- Part 4”
Your words are entirely true and though I appreciate talented men and women, this comes to mind how that our Great ALMIGHTY is totally generous to pour talents to individuals. It gives me further reflections on the immeasurable graciousness of our FATHER.
Lately, my favorite secular Israeli writer passed away to my inconsolable sadness. I read his articles because I literally learned from them over matters which one can relate to prophetic trends, fulfillments in our times. They are so academically excellent, historically based and I believe this is how G_D imbue gifts to HIS friends Abraham and the prophets’ sons and daughters of our times, as HE had promised them.
With his demise, this is a reminder that what we can appreciate from man, it comes to an end but with G_D´s infinite perfection, there is an added wealth of greatness with the passing of time into eternity. G_D The YHVH is the Only GIVER of great things, HE gives because HE is faithful to HIS promises and HE is gracious. Amen !!! Thank you for your reminders, glory to HIS NAME !!!