A New Promise …

“And the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him.” Genesis 12:7

During the past few weeks, we studied Genesis 12:1-3. One of the main things we studied in these verses was the fact that God made a covenant with Abram, and that this covenant was unconditional.

Often, we find that specific things are repeated in God’s Word. While these are to serve as constant reminders, they are also there to clarify and confirm. It is for these reasons that I believe we find in verse 7 a repeat of a promise referring to a land. However, we also find a new promise, and that is the unconditional promise of the Land to Abram’s descendants.

I sometimes marvel at the strength of Abram’s faith, not only to leave everything and everyone he knew, and go to a strange land, but also to trust that those same promises would continue on to his descendants. And Abram didn’t even have children at that point! Yet, that is what God promised to him – that his descendants would inherit Abram’s Promised Land, and it would be unconditional.

The issue of the Land is once again the center of attention in the world. It is amazing, yet not surprising, that instead of dealing with the situation in Yemen, Syria, and other parts of the world which are entrenched in deadly wars, the USA and Europe continue to focus on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

The reality is that the issue of the Land was, is, and will always be the center of attention. Why? The reason is simply the fact that, from the beginning, it is clear that God cares for this Land, He has a plan for this Land, and God’s enemy will do all that he can to thwart God’s plan. It is an issue of spiritual warfare, which will not end until Yeshua returns to reign, bringing with Him the New Jerusalem.

Many people are looking to men for a solution, even many within the Body of Messiah. In fact, many people who call themselves followers of Messiah are angry at Israel for “occupying” the Land. In addition, many blame Israel for all the chaos in the world today, and believe that if only Israel gives more “land for peace”, peace will come, and the problems of this world will end.

Well, my dear brothers and sisters, the real issue is not about Israel and the land; the issue here is about the fact that neither Israel nor the world can decide what will happen with this Land of Promise, because it is God’s Land and He alone decides what will happen to it! God, by His grace, decided to give it to the people of Israel, and no one has the right to give away any piece of Land that Israel has inherited from God.

I am grateful for a God who keeps His promises, and is faithful to the very end. How about you?

Shabbat Shalom,



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