January 24, 2013

Israeli Elections Result in Nearly 50/50 Split Between Left and Right: Israeli elections were held Tuesday, January 22 and resulted in a 50/50 split between left and right parties in the Knesset. Some see this as a hopeful sign that there will be more balance between focusing on social issues and security issues, while others fear this means very little will get done. Furthermore, Netanyahu will need to form a coalition in the upcoming weeks from the successful parties. Please pray for wisdom to be given to the upcoming leaders as they form the government and as they prepare to lead in the Knesset. Please also pray that they will lead in truth and in justice. Lastly, please pray that those who are opposed to God’s plans and who attempt to persecute His followers would not be given much influence in the upcoming government. For more, see Election Results.

Clashes Between Palestinians And IDF Result in Death of Palestinian Bystander: A 21 year old Palestinian woman was killed as she walked past a confrontation between Palestinians and IDF soldiers. Palestinians were rioting in a town close to Bethlehem and threw Molotov cocktails at an IDF jeep. Soldiers responded with gunfire, intended only for the attackers. However, a bullet ricocheted, hitting and killing the young woman. Please pray for God to draw close to the family of the young woman who are now in mourning and to not allow bitterness or hate to grow in their hearts. Please also pray for Palestinians to not use this as an excuse for more violence but rather begin to seek peace. In addition, please pray for protection over all those who are in the IDF and police and for wisdom in their actions. Lastly, please intercede for both Palestinians and Jews to turn to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to repent for violence and injustice. For more, see Clashes Kill 1

Palestinian Authority May Go To Hague Over E1 Building Plans: The Palestinian Authority warned that they may go to the Hague and lodge a complaint with the International Criminal Court if Israel goes forward with plans to join Maale Adumim to Jerusalem via the E1 area. Israel already has very little support in the international court and in the UN and such a complaint could have broad ramifications. Please pray for the Palestinians to realize that such action will not bring peace and pray that they would come to know God’s truth. Please also pray for any plans of the enemy to be thwarted. Lastly, please pray for wisdom for Israel’s leaders. For more, see More E1 Disputes and The E1 Issue

Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah.  Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.

Thank you for praying and standing with Israel! Shabbat Shalom…

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team