Weekly Prayer Points

Gaza Heating Up – The IDF has deployed the Iron Dome Missile Defense system in areas surrounding Gaza as Hamas has once again fired missiles into Israel. A worker for the Ministry of Defense was shot and killed on the border of Israel and Gaza earlier this week.  The Israeli Air Force retaliated, destroying key targets in Gaza.  Hamas has now started sending more missiles into Israel, and Israel is taking precautionary measures to protect its citizens who live within missile range.  Please intercede that this situation will not once again escalate into a full-blown military operation.  Please also pray for the people living around the Gaza border, especially the children, who are so traumatized by the rockets; please pray for their protection and their peace.  Lastly, please pray for wisdom for Israel as they decide how to handle the situation; may the LORD grant wisdom and patience for our leaders.

Terror Attacks Rise in Israel – a miracle happened in the coastal city of Bat Yam earlier this week, where a passenger on a city bus recognized an abandoned bag as a bomb, and alerted everyone to quickly get off the bus.  The bomb exploded only after the bus was empty and there were no injuries, praise God! There have also been multiple attacks on Police officers throughout Israel by Palestinians.  Please continue to pray that these attacks will not snowball to become a 3rd Intifada, where Palestinians release an all-out war of terror against Israel.  Please also pray that all perpetrators will be brought to justice and for them to find their salvation in Yeshua, as He is our ONLY hope for peace.  Lastly, please pray that God will grant a supernatural prevention of further terror attacks, showing that He alone is Israel’s Defender.

Israel Preps for 3rd Round of Terrorist Release – Israel is preparing to release the third set of Palestinian prisoners next week.  Israel is also coupling the release with new building plans in communities behind the “green line”, which is bringing strong criticism from the USA and the EU.  Israel is accused of hampering the “peace” process by continuing to build in such communities, which are legally part of Israel, but are disputed by the Palestinians.  Mothers of terror victims are protesting the release of the terrorists, asking the government to think twice before they put murderers back on the street.  Please pray that this next round of releases will happen peacefully, and that Israel will seek God’s wisdom in which prisoners to release.  Lastly, please continue to pray that Israel’s leaders will refuse to bow down to international pressure to make dangerous concessions for “peace”, especially when such concessions are not expected from the Palestinians.

ASA Academic Boycott of Israel –the American Studies Association recently passed a resolution to boycott Israeli universities.  The boycott has been met with a mixed response.  Many American universities have condemned the boycott, saying that such a boycott is the very antithesis to academic freedom, while others have remained silent.  Thankfully, the majority of the responses have been very critical of the boycott, and it seems to be catching on. Please pray that supporters of the truth will be emboldened to speak up, especially as it will become more and more popular to condemn Israel as time goes on.  Please also pray that Israel will be strengthened in its resolve, and stand firmly on its legal right to exist, and that many will be informed by the truth of Israel’s history. 

Thank you for praying!

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team