US Supports UN Measure Condemning Israel

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) issued on Monday a unilateral statement, supported by the US, which condemns Israeli activity in Judea and Samaria, particularly the recent recognition of 9 new Jewish settlements in the area and the approval of plans for 10,000 new housing units.

The UNSC had initially planned to vote on a resolution (which carries more weight than a statement) condemning the move, and ultimately issued the statement instead, which would have been a victory for Israel if it hadn’t marked one of the first times that the US has publicly opposed Israel at the UN. (Traditionally, the US has shielded Israel from the predations of the UNSC, often using their veto power to prevent resolutions like this from even coming to the table.) Although the tension between the Israeli and American governments on the subject of settlements has been growing for weeks, this explicit American condemnation is both worrying and disappointing.

This statement is the latest in a series of anti-Israel UN resolutions, largely sponsored by the Palestinian Authority, which have passed since November.

Please pray for a renewal of strong Israeli-American ties that respect Israeli sovereignty. Please pray for wisdom for the Israeli government and diplomats. Lastly, please pray for a cessation of the anti-Israel bias at the United Nations.