The past few days, the nations of the world are assembling together in New York for the 70th General Assembly Convention. The world gets a chance to hear from every world leader, recently President Obama, Iranian President Rouhani, and Egpytian President Sisi, all have given their speeches. Today, PA President Abbas addressed the nations and used this opportunity to threaten to no longer uphold the Oslo Accord Agreement from 1993, which gave the Palestinians jurisdictional and government authority in the Palestinian Territories. If he is serious about his threat, this would leave Israel to be in charge of every area of Judea and Samaria (which is currently split with the PA). Abbas is contingent that a Palestinian State be established immediately. Please keep this entire issue in your prayers, for the future of the State of Israel and negotiations with the Palestinians. Pray for wisdom for the leaders of nations as they are all gathered together in one place for the next few days.