Shalom from Jerusalem,
I am so grateful that you partnered with us in encouraging and supporting our believing soldiers.
All Israeli citizens are required to enlist in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) at age 18. The military can be a tough time for young believers in particular. Without the support of a loving home environment, often these young Israelis are plunged into situations that shake their faith and their identity as followers of Messiah.
For over a decade, we have come alongside these young believing soldiers to encourage, exhort, and support them in their military journey. As the second phase of our Threefold Vision of Discipleship, our believing soldiers’ outreach has been instrumental in helping hundreds of young believers stay the course, and grow in their spiritual walk.
The first week of September, we treated the believing soldiers to a lively and uplifting Friday-night event which included dinner, fellowship, and a workshop on a lovely rooftop in Jerusalem. This event, marking the opening of our 2022-2023 program, was really important for the young men and women in the program in many ways. One soldier in attendance had just been released from 21 days on base and needed some encouragement and refreshment. Another soldier whose family is going through a difficult season said he was really encouraged to be with other believers who are going through various struggles. One soldier said that she felt a strong sense of belonging that evening, which has been lacking for her during her time of service.
I cannot stress the importance of this outreach - and you are an important part of it! Without your support, we could not do the work that He has entrusted to us. Thank you for entrusting your offering to Hope for Israel. Your partnership means a great deal to me, my team, and the many people who are blessed by the ministry’s work. May we continue to answer His call to be a light and a blessing to the people of Israel!
Founder & Executive Director
Hope for Israel