Thank You! — May 2023

Shalom from Jerusalem,

The second stage of our Three-Fold Vision is our outreach to believing IDF soldiers. These young people give 2+ years of their lives in service to their country, and we are privileged to invest in them during this period!

Last month, we hosted a handful of soldiers at our monthly meeting for believing soldiers in Jerusalem, where we shared an Italian-style meal alongside hearing the soldiers’ army stories and challenges. Everyone, including the leaders, shared stories and it was a special time of connecting over common experience.

After the meal, we had a blessed time of worship and prayer together, led (and initiated) by one of the soldiers. Ro’i, Hope for Israel’s soldier program coordinator, also shared a message on willingness to collaborate with God in our lives; the soldiers took an active part in the discussion that followed, sharing their thoughts on the subject as we read the Scriptures.

One of the girls shared with us afterwards,

“There was a great atmosphere, and the [Bible] study felt natural and very applicable! The time [at the meeting] made the day and the following Shabbat much calmer, and it was great to see friends who I haven’t seen in a long time!”

Thank you for entrusting your offering to Hope for Israel. Your partnership means a great deal to me, my team, and the many people who are blessed by the ministry’s work. We cannot underestimate the impact of this work: even for one young believer, the investment of time and resources during this challenging stage of their lives will make a difference for years to come. May we continue to be a light and a blessing to the future generation of Israeli believers!

In His Service,

       Moran Rosenblit
        Founder & Executive Director
        Hope for Israel