Thank You! — May 2021

Shalom from Jerusalem!

You no doubt have heard about the terribly difficult two weeks we in Israel went through in May. When Hamas attacked Jerusalem with a barrage of rockets on May 10th, Israel responded heavily and thus began "Operation Guardian of the Walls".           

Israel was under heavy attack from terrorist organizations in Gaza, and the tension was palpable in the streets throughout the country. Thousands of Israeli civilians were either displaced from their homes, or suffered constant rocket attacks while they hid in bomb shelters. Israel not only faced a front with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, but we also had incredible unrest within the country. Bloody rioting broke out between Jewish and Arab Israelis, breaking years of amicable coexistence.  

During this time, we received requests for assistance from various families living near the border with Gaza. We received a request from a family with older children that lives near the border of Gaza. The parents needed to stay in their home, but two of their young adult daughters desperately needed some respite from the attacks. We treated them to a few days in a quiet part of the country, where they could refresh, relax, and get a full night's sleep without sirens blasting them awake all night. They were so grateful! I want to share some words of thanks they sent:

We have no words to describe how much appreciation we have! It is not obvious what you have done and continue to do for our family. You allowed us to breath a sigh of relief and rest and there aren't enough words of thanks to tell you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Much love and appreciation...

We also sponsored a pizza dinner for another set of families that were relocated to a quieter part of the country. The children were especially excited to get a break from hotel food and enjoy some delicious pizza!

While Israel may have a ceasefire with Hamas, we continue to receive requests from families who need help rebuilding their shattered homes and lives. We will do our best to meet every single one of them! Thank you for partnering with Hope for Israel as we bring tangible HOPE to the people of Israel! Your generosity has such a big part in us being able to do what we do. I am so grateful.

In His Service,
        Moran Rosenblit
        Founder & Executive Director
        Hope for Israel


Mail donations to:
Hope for Israel
925 N Courtenay Parkway Suite 19
Merritt Island, FL  32953-4559