Dear Friends,

Shalom from Jerusalem and Happy Jewish New Year! We bring you greetings during a busy, yet joyous holiday season, thanks be to God. Currently we are entering into the holiday of Sukkot, also referred to as the Feast of Tabernacles. Families all over the country have built a sukkah – an outdoor-type tent with a roof made from palm branches. For a week, Israelis eat and sometimes sleep outside under their sukkah’s in remembrance of the days when the Israelites lived as wanderers in the desert for 40 years. Last week, the entire country fasted and prayed for twenty-four hours beseeching God for forgiveness of sins. While on this day of Yom Kippur we rejoice that we found redemption through Yeshua the Messiah, we also have the privilege to intercede on behalf of the people of Israel.

A few weeks ago, we celebrated the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. It was a beautiful time of praising God for the former year and starting the upcoming year surrounded by family, friends, and sweet desserts. However, for many families in Israel this past year was not a season of plenty, but of shortage and hunger. At Hope for Israel we believe it is important to follow God’s call to care for those in need. That is why every year, as the holidays are approaching we started the Operation Grace Project where we deliver boxes of food to families in need.

This year was our largest Rosh Hashanah project to date. We were able to provide 1,331 gift packages to families in need, lone soldiers, believing soldiers, and a number of families received grocery coupons. Each box was full of basic items useful for the kitchen such as sugar, flour, salt, oil, pasta, rice, canned goods, and honey cake, a jar of honey, and grape juice specific to the holiday.

We share this with you not to boast or bring recognition to our name. Simply, it is our joy to share with you what God is accomplishing through Hope for Israel. We also want to say thank you to our partners for giving us the ability to be the hands and feet on the ground in Israel. We encourage all who are interested in taking part in future projects to partner with us.

From our hearts to yours, thank you for your willing heart to support the work that the Lord is carrying out through Hope for Israel.

In His Service from Jerusalem,

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Moran Rosenblit

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Hope For Israel
925 N Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32953-4559