The recent clashes and attacks in Israel have, at least according to Arab rhetoric, been based around the issue of the Temple Mount. More and more, Jewish Israelis, particularly the more religious groups, are going onto the Temple Mount to pray. The Temple Mount is the most sacred site for Jews, the third most sacred site in Islam, and for Christians it is also a place of religious pilgrimage.According to the status quo arrangement for the Temple Mount, non-Muslims may visit the mount but are prohibited from praying there. As Muslims feel pressure from the non-Muslims who seek to peacefully pray at the Temple Mount, there has been backlash. For many months now, there have been riots and violent outbreaks on the Temple by many Muslims in protest. It is clear that the Temple Mount is a central issue in the spiritual battle for Jerusalem. This fight cannot be won by way of the sword, but must be won through our prayers and intercession for the very location where the Messiah will one day establish His kingdom. Pray with us, using the armor of God as our shield to break down the darkness that would come against the people of God. We pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.