PROJECT UPDATE: Eye of the Storm

January 2014 

Hope for Israel had a very special opportunity to provide much-needed relief to many people throughout Israel during December.

It’s a fact that the unexpected happens in life, and no matter how diligently we try to plan ahead, sometimes we are caught by surprise.  Just a few weeks ago, all of Israel was caught by surprise. The weather forecasters said that a big winter storm was coming, but no one anticipated how severe it would be. Within a few hours, Jerusalem and many other elevated areas were completely covered in snow, with as much as three feet of snow in some places!  Israel is not used to this kind of winter weather, and as a result of the severe winds, rain and snow, many household were left without electricity for days on end. Jerusalem, as well as other parts of the country, were totally inaccessible due to the blocked roads. Life came to a complete standstill.

As a result, the municipalities turned to the IDF for help. Army personnel with armored vehicles paved the way into besieged cities and provided the citizens with the help they needed. From bringing fresh supplies of food and blankets, to evacuating women that were about to give birth, and assisting elderly people, the IDF came to the rescue. Citizens from all backgrounds, Arab and Jewish alike, were blessed and thankful for the help they received.  It was a beautiful example of people helping people, regardless of any political or ethnic differences.

Hope for Israel had the privilege to bless various IDF units with essentials they needed to do their job. We provided fleece Jackets, fleece blankets, gloves, scarves, & toiletries, which helped our soldiers to not only protect themselves from the frozen temperatures, but to also do their job more effectively. They were able to literally save lives and bring relief to many people.

The need was immediate and immense, but praise God, we were able to provide the items quickly.  We are grateful to all who partnered with us to make this possible!  We are also grateful to the LORD for His gracious provision for us to bless the people of Israel!