Prayer Points for Israel

Attempted Stabbing in Judea & Samaria:  A young Palestinian man attempted to stab an IDF soldier in a routine traffic stop.  Thankfully, the soldier was not injured, but this is a troubling trend lately in the region.  Please continue to pray for Yeshua – our only hope for peace – to reign in the hearts of both Jewish and Arab people alike.  Please also pray that the Lord will continue to prevent these attempted attacks against the people of Israel.

Hamas’ Churning Out Weapons:  Since its recent reconciliation with Fatah, Hamas has been emboldened to further its weapons production in order to promote its armed resistance against Israel.  The latest intelligence reveals that Hamas has amassed over 10,000 long-range missiles and rockets that would be fired at Israeli targets in this “armed resistance”.  Please continue to pray for Israel’s protection from those who wish to destroy her, especially as these enemies are growing more powerful.  But we know that He is Israel’s ultimate Defender and we trust in His promise to never allow Israel to be annihilated!

Another Anti-Semitic Incident in Europe: A European man in his 50s reportedly approached a Jewish woman waiting with her infant in a stroller at a bus stop, yelled insults at her, and then shook the stroller.  The woman reported the incident to the authorities and they are looking for the man to question him about the incident.  Please pray that as these kinds of incidents will only increase throughout the world, that those true followers of Messiah will vocally support Israel and the Jewish people.  Please also pray that as anti-Semitism increases, that the Jewish people will find shelter in Israel, the Land that the Almighty has given to her.

Thank you for praying!

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team