Prayer Letter – February 2016

Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 6.30.10 PMDear Prayer Partners,

Shalom and greetings from Jerusalem! We praise God for you and your earnest desire to intercede with us for Israel, her people and the body of believers in the Land. It is a busy season for us at HFI as we are busy in the work that God has entrusted to us. However, we know and trust that we will see the fruit of the Lord through this entire pruning. Please pray with us for a steady and faithful heart to follow after the Messiah wherever He may lead us. Throughout the month of February, we ask that you would join us as we pray to see more and more Israelis come to know their true Messiah! Please pray for revelation of His Word and the working power of God to move in powerful ways in the hearts and lives of those who have yet to put their faith in Him.

Please join us in interceding on behalf of Israel for:

Anti-Semitism and Aliyah: This past year saw the largest influx in immigration to Israel in the last 15 years, with 30,000 Jews making aliyah in 2015 alone. A large majority of these immigrants are coming from France and Ukraine. Reports show that for many Jewish people living in western European countries, the declining economy and growing sense of insecurity are some of the predominant reasons causing this shift. Specifically in France, openly anti-Semitic rhetoric and attacks against the Jewish community have struck fear into the lives of many Jews. Israel is a safe-haven for the Jewish people. As we see more and more the rise of anti-Semitism in the nations, there is a correlating rising number of Jews making aliyah to Israel. Please pray for all of the individuals and families who have already or are considering making aliyah to Israel. We pray against the forces of anti-Semitism, but we praise God that He has established the Jewish nation and has provided a safe homeland for His beloved people.

Iran: Despite Iran’s violations of the nuclear arms deal made this past summer, January 17 was the day of implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This agreement allows Tehran’s reentry into the global marketplace and access to tens of billions of dollars after decades of pariah status that stifled Iran’s economy in banking, money transfers, insurance, trade, transport and procurement of technology. This is truly a time that the world needs to be in prayer about the direction that Iran is heading. We pray for sovereign protection, especially those who are considered enemies of Iran, particularly Israel and the US. We pray for a watchful eye, guidance and direction for the nations as they interact with Iran now and into the future. Please pray for a continuation of the growth and number of underground believers in Iran, for their faith to mature and strengthen in the face of persecution and rejection. May there be another revolution in Iran, one of believers in the Messiah of Israel.

BDS—United Methodist Church Boycott: It was recently reported that the United Methodist Church, a Presbyterian denomination numbering over 7 million members in the United States, announced that its pension board will not invest in five Israeli banks in protest of Israel’s settlement activity. This is very sad news as it is a reflection of the influence the anti-Israel boycott movement is having on even the Church. It is incredibly important for the Church to have a proper understanding of Israel, especially in these days and times. Please pray with us for the believing Body worldwide that has so many influences and distortions about the modern State of Israel that it sometimes negatively affects the biblical view of Israel, which should be the most central element to help us shape our worldview. Please pray for wisdom for each and every believer as the Lord teaches and disciples us in His Word and plans for the nations and the people of Israel.

Attacks on Settlers: The current wave of terrorist attacks in the past few weeks has shifted towards Israeli settlements located in Judea and Samaria. Since January 17, there have been four attacks of Israeli women living in settlements, two of whom were killed. The first attack was on Dafne Meir, a mother of six, who was stabbed to death in the doorway of her home in front of her children. The following morning, a pregnant woman from a different settlement was stabbed, thankfully she and her child survived. Days following, at a local grocery store in the settlement of Beit Horon, two young women were stabbed; one 23-year-old girl died of her wounds the next day. Please pray for the covering and protection of innocent women, children and men who are living in the region of Judea and Samaria. Please also pray for healing, comfort and peace for the injured and families of those who lost loved ones due to these awful terror attacks.

Arab Sector in Israel: With the attacks in recent months across Israel, the question of Israeli Arab allegiance to the State of Israel has come into question for many people. The majority of the attacks that have taken place over the past few months were not carried out by Israeli citizens. However, there have been a few cases that were. Incitement has been festering and growing within some sectors leaving the greater public to question the loyalty of Arab Israelis. Prime Minister Netanyahu has recently called for reforms and greater government investment in places where there are deep gaps between the Arab sector and the Jewish population, particularly the gaps in resources, law enforcement, rights and obligations. Please pray for the Israeli government, as they are now beginning to take the necessary steps to close these gaps and create more unity between Arabs and Jews in Israel. Please also pray for these communities in strife, that a bond of trust, unity and sodality can be strengthened like never before.

Leadership in Israel: We ask for prayer for godly leadership in the Israeli government and for wise counselors to surround those leaders. We ask for God’s divine providence and hand to be involved in the decision-making that takes place in the offices and out of sight of the public on a day-to-day basis. The king’s heart is in the hand of YHWH as the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He will. (Proverbs 21:1)

Standard of Living in Israel: Please remember to keep in your prayers those individuals and families in Israel that are struggling financially to make ends meet. The economy is strong in some areas of the country, but there are still over a million people living below the poverty line in Israel as we see the gap between the wealthy and the poor grow. Statistics show that 1 in 4 children are living in poverty and more than 30% of the population. Middle class families complain about the restrictions on the food market, the rising price of housing and the expensive costs for automobiles, gas and public transportation. This is a growing concern and something that we need to bring before the Lord. Please pray for God’s provision of basic necessities like food, housing, medicine and education for struggling families and children. Please also pray for wisdom for the Israeli government as they address this issue within society.

Following are some ministry requests for Hope for Israel:

Moran – Please pray for an increased amount of strength and wisdom for Moran this coming month. Please also pray for his physical health and stamina to be able to carry out all of the tasks and responsibilities in front of him. The first week of February, Moran will be hosting a group of pastors on a tour of Israel. We ask that you would keep him in your prayers for spiritual wisdom and revelation from the Lord to share with these leaders, as well as smooth transitions with all of the logistical coordination required.

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HFI Board – Please continue to pray for God’s hand to cover each and every important decision that the Board faces. Please ask for provisions and protection from any attacks that the Enemy would try to make on the health and well being of the members of the Board and their families.

HFI Staff – We ask for your prayers for God’s timing and choosing for the right people to join the HFI staff as the ministry grows and develops. Please keep our staff in your prayers continuously for both their work and personal lives. Please pray for guidance, vision and unity in the work place. Pray that God would divinely work in the tasks that each one carries out on a daily basis. Also cover their families in your prayers for health, strength, and wisdom in every area of their lives.

NerYah Youth Group – Please join us in praying for the youth of NerYah to have a greater passion and courage to return to or establish new prayer groups at their schools in order to share their faith with others. In times when they do get an opportunity to share their faith, we pray that God would give them an abundance of grace, favor and strength to speak in truth and with an open heart. Also, pray that God would awaken the youth with a passion to live lives of holiness, purity, love for His Word and nearness to Him.

NerYah LeadersPlease continue to pray for the leaders of NerYah who are still searching and waiting on the Lord to bring a new female leader on staff to be a coordinator in the youth group and also for the soldiers. Please also pray that God would open up doors of communication between the leaders and the youth, allowing them to open up their hearts and lives towards one another in order to receive the help and guidance they may need. We ask for continued prayer that God would strengthen the staff and volunteers of NerYah in wisdom, unity, patience, love, faith and perseverance.

Believing Soldiers’ Outreach – Many of the believing soldiers, once they enter into the army, struggle with a lot of questions regarding life and their faith. It is truly a period of testing and pruning, and oftentimes many become hardened in their hearts in the process. Please intercede with us on their behalf that God would soften their hearts and truly meet them in whatever place they are at in their walk of faith. Like most people, these young soldiers are searching for love and acceptance from their peers. We pray that they would help to build each other up and encourage one another in the faith, rather than bring each other down. We also pray for strength, wisdom and favor for the team of volunteers who have a heart to serve these soldiers. The team asks for continued prayer for wisdom and the right strategy to reach out to the soldiers in a powerful way.

Experience Israel Tour –Please continue to pray for this year’s Experience Israel Tour (March 4-20, 2016) that is quickly approaching. Please pray for all of the staff and team that have been working hard for months on all of the logistical details and coordination. We praise God that already a majority of participants have signed up and we continue to pray for the building and unity of this group as they prepare logistically and spiritually throughout the coming months.

Pastor’s Solidarity Tour – This week, from February 1-9, we will host this year’s Pastor’s Solidarity Tour. Please keep this unique tour in your prayers, as it is specifically for congregational leaders. Please pray for open hearts to hear and receive the Word of God in a new way. We pray that God would speak to each and every member of the group coming to Israel in a way that would impact them personally, as well as guide them on how to lead their own congregations into a deeper understanding of the Word and a closer relationship with the Lord.

Tour Department – One of the ways that Hope for Israel is able to supplement the ministry’s income is by organizing and leading tours to Israel.  The tours also carry a strong ministry component, as tour participants often have opportunities to bless Israel via tangible acts of service.  As the situation in Israel continues to heat up, it is more important than ever for followers of Messiah to show their support by physically coming to Israel.  Please continue to pray that the LORD will bless this aspect of the ministry and that He would bring more and more people to witness His love on these tours. 

Lastly, please continue to pray for the salvation of Israel & the Jewish people throughout the world; we long for the day when all Israel will recognize her Messiah and receive Him… “For if their rejection [of Yeshua] is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” Romans 11:15

In His Service,

The Hope for Israel

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 Prayer Team