Dear Prayer Partners,
The month of November serves as a kind of calm between the storms here in Israel. The kids are in full swing in school, the High Holy Days have come and gone, and yet the weather is still great for spending time outdoors during the day time. We had our first major rain in Israel this past month during the Sukkot celebrations and we’re looking forward to more rain in the coming days, weeks, and months! Of course, with the rain in Israel comes the cold, and pretty soon, we’ll all be digging out our winter coats and praying for health as the winter sicknesses get passed around. In the meantime, most are healthy and well and enjoying the tail end of the warmer days of the year.
Please join us in interceding on behalf of Israel for:
Borders—Smuggling and Attacks
Last January, it was reported that 226 smuggling attempts had been foiled in 2016 at one of the Israel-Gaza border crossings. This year has also seen an abundance of smuggling attempts. This past month, Israel uncovered some high quantities of supplies that were being smuggled for Hamas, the terrorist regime in control of the Gaza strip. Along with uncovering attempts at smuggling, Israel also faced a number of terrorist threats along its borders this past month from Gaza, Sinai, Lebanon, and Syria. Recent security reports indicated that the most recent “spillover” from Syria was not accidental but rather intentional rocket fire meant as an attack on Israel. Please pray for those who are faithfully securing Israel’s borders on a daily basis. Pray for God’s continued favor and for peace along the borders of Israel.
Israeli Relief Teams
There is still a great deal of work to be done by relief teams working with the victims of the fighting in Syria. Not only are Syrian refugees being treated in Israel’s hospitals, but the IDF has also been assisting relief teams in entering Syria to provide emergency medical relief and trauma care to those suffering the daily fighting in the war-torn country. Here in Jerusalem, we are praying daily for friends who are a part of the relief teams going into the country. Please join us in praying for all who are working with the refugees, but also specifically for those who are coming to the Syrians through Israel’s northern border. Pray for protection from the daily mortar attacks and bombings in the places where the relief teams are working. Pray also for a softening of the hearts of the refugees as they see that Israel is a major part of the relief efforts for their people.
Building in Jerusalem
US President Donald Trump recently lifted the ban against building in the disputed territories (Judea & Samaria). While this is good for Israel when it comes to relations with the U.S., the resumption of recently approved building efforts in Jerusalem could mean increased tensions with typically anti-Israel entities both within Israel and among international organizations such as the U.N. Please pray for peace among all and for Israeli law to effectively negotiate any tensions that may arise from the lifting of the building ban in the disputed territories.
Fatah Cooperation with Hamas
In the past month Fatah signed agreements with Hamas to resume cooperation with them. Israel has been working closely with Fatah for quite some time to negotiate political solutions for the region of Judea and Samaria. Now that Fatah has resumed relations with a known terror organization (Hamas), Israel’s cooperation with Fatah may be jeopardized and much less effective than in recent years. Please pray that God will present solutions to governmental leaders in Israel that will allow for an increase of peace in the region without the need to cooperate with terror organizations such as Hamas.
Following are some ministry requests for Hope for Israel:
Please pray for Moran’s speaking trip November 4th–16th. Please continue to pray for Moran’s writing and management of matters here at Hope for Israel during his trip also. Pray for health for Moran’s family and for the Lord’s peace for Melissa during his time away. After Moran completes his speaking trip in the US, he’ll also be leading a tour right away. Please pray that this tour will go well and that all on the tour will truly grow in an understanding of God’s heart for Israel.
HFI Board
During Moran’s upcoming trip to the US, he will be meeting with the Hope for Israel board. Please pray that all attending the board meeting will be in good health and able to discern what is good and right for the future at Hope for Israel.
HFI Staff
After quite some time of praying for a new coordinator for our Believing Soldiers outreach, we have seen God’s goodness and faithfulness to provide the perfect person for the job! Please pray that she will adapt quickly and that she’ll grow continually in her ability to truly connect with the youth and the believing soldiers. We are now believing God to provide staff to handle tours and other administrative tasks at Hope for Israel. We are also looking for another coordinator to help with NerYah. Please join us in praying specifically that the Lord will bring us people with a heart for ministry, who desire to serve as a team player, and believe in the work being done through Hope for Israel.
NerYah Youth Group
A lot is happening at NerYah right now! At the beginning of this past month, we had our youth leaders share testimonies with the youth and give the youth an opportunity to get to know each and every one of us on a personal level. We also had a number of youth join us from a nearby moshav. Pray that those youth will be warmly received and connected at NerYah. The youth are engaging well and we’re excited to see what this next month holds! Please pray that the youth will continue to open up more and more and to build a life-giving relationship with the leaders of NerYah. Please also pray that the youth will be faithful to really dig in to the teachings and to apply them to their daily life.
Believing Soldiers’ Outreach
Please join us in praying for God’s grace to carry the soldiers with whom we work during their military service. Pray for them to excel in following the orders of their commanders and for them to also excel in their personal lives, in prayer and in their study of Scripture. Pray also that they will be able to connect as often as necessary with us at Hope for Israel in order to receive support and encouragement to carry on.
Students & Young Adults
University students began their studies toward the end of this past month. Please join us in praying especially for those students with whom we work at Hope for Israel. Pray that they will excel in every way and will balance effectively between work, school, family, and social life. Pray for wisdom and confidence. Pray for boldness to come to us and to approach their instructors and advisors with any questions or challenges they have in keeping up with their programs.
Fall Newsletter
We are currently in the process of finalizing our fall newsletter. Please pray that this newsletter will make the truth known about the city of Jerusalem and that more and more people will say “yes” to standing with Israel and calling out for God’s Will to be carried out to fruition in this place!
Foundations of the Faith Book
Please pray that every copy of this discipleship resource will have a personal impact on those who read it and draw many into an increasingly deeper relationship with God!
We are currently corresponding with a number of people about our upcoming Experience Israel tour and Pastors’ Solidarity tour. Please pray that our tours will be full as we finalize things for the tours. Please also pray for those who will be joining us on these tours. Pray that they will be truly blessed by their experience and that they will grow in an understanding of God’s heart for the land and people of Israel today!
In His Service,
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team