This December brings a new government to Israel. It is hoped that this coalition will last four years and provide the country with the stability that it desperately needs to combat security risks and recover from the COVID lockdowns. The security situation continues to be a top concern in Israel, including threats from within Israel and from surrounding countries. December also brings the holiday of Hanukkah, where Israelis and Jews around the world celebrate the rededication of the Temple after a guerilla war fought against Greek occupiers in the 2nd century BC. There is always much to be in prayer for, and we ask that you intercede on behalf of Israel and Hope for Israel this coming month.
Israeli Government
The results are in! Israelis have elected a far-right government coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu, and including firebrand right-wing voices such as Itamar Ben Gvir, and controversial ultra-Orthodox party leader Aryeh Deri. This signals a definite change in political atmosphere from the previous government, headed by centrist Yair Lapid and including many left-wing, as well as Arab, parties.
Netanyahu is still in talks with other party leaders to come to equitable compromises including who will head Israel’s various ministries and the approval of a budget. Israel is in dire need of political stability right now.
Please continue pray for:
- A smooth transition of power and the building of a stable government that prioritizes the safety and well-being of Israelis.
- Economic recovery following the pandemic, including provision for the thousands of Israelis who lost their jobs because of COVID.
- A national budget to be approved that benefits Israelis.
- Favor for Israeli believers as many religious parties who hold anti-Messianic stances are given positions of power in the government.
- Lowering the exorbitant cost of living in Israel and curbing inflation which continues to rise at an unprecedented rate.
Israel's Security
Israel experienced an escalation in tensions at the end of November, including two coordinated and deadly bombings at different Jerusalem bus stops. These two attacks are the first terror attacks to use explosives in many years. As of this writing, two people have died in the attack, a teenage boy was killed Wednesday, and Saturday night another man succumbed to wounds sustained in the attack. More than a dozen other people were injured. Separately, a potential car bomb is being investigated near an IDF base in Judea and Samaria.
Hamas, the terror organization based in Gaza, remains relatively quiet, but as always, this could change in a moment.
Israel remains concerned about Iran, who has announced its intent to proceed in enriching uranium to 60%, a clear violation of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal. Iran’s growing alliance with Russia is also concerning to Israel.
Please pray for:
- Comfort for bereaved families who have lost loved ones in the last months.
- The Lord's wisdom for Israeli military officials to know when, if, and how to take military action.
- An immediate cessation of terror attacks.
- The successful capture of Palestinian terrorists responsible for recent attacks.
- Protection over Israel's soldiers who protect God's Land and people every single day.
- Revival in the hearts of all Israel's enemies, that they would see they are fighting the God of Israel and come to know Him through Messiah Yeshua
Regional Economic Cooperation
As part of the Abraham Accords, which have instigated peace treaties between Israel and many of its Arab neighbors, Israel is able to take part in the Global Investment Forum, which is this year being held in Morocco, one of Israel’s newest peace partners. This is a wonderful opportunity to foster regional peace and cooperation, as well as to build economic ties coming out of the two years of economic shutdown in Israel. This Forum could stimulate Israel’s economy and strengthen the new alliance between Israel and Morocco.
Please pray for:
- Building of profitable economic ties.
- Continued peace and cooperation between Israel and her neighbors, as this ultimately benefits Israel and her people.
- Investors for Israeli businesses, many of whom are struggling in the wake of COVID-19.
Israel on the International Stage
As the Republican party takes a narrow majority in the House, what are the ramifications for US-Israel relations? Historically the GOP is pro-Israel, but we do not know if their narrow majority is enough to pass pro-Israel measures, or whether Israel relations will be a priority for the representatives. Another pressing issue the US must take a stand on is Iran’s nefarious pursuit of nuclear weapons. While these are currently open-ended questions, we do know that the US position on the global stage is important to Israel’s security.
In addition, with recent elections in both Israel and the US, this is an opportunity to strengthen and renew diplomatic ties between these two countries.
Please pray for:
- American leaders who support Israel in the UN and on the international stage in general.
- A firm American stance on Iran.
- Renewed commitment between Netanyahu and Biden for mutual support and cooperation.
Rainy Season
While a few showers followed the first deluge of rain at the end of October, November was a fairly dry month in Israel. Israel relies heavily on rain for its fresh water supply, and a plentiful rainy season is necessary to see the country through the dry months of next spring and summer. Although we have made great advances in our desalination operations, we still need an ample amount of rain.
While Israel is desperate for rain, the rainy season can pose serious risks unique to the region. Every year hikers are caught in deadly flash floods in the south of Israel, due to rains in different regions and sweep down the narrow wadis of the Negev carrying tons of debris and garbage with them. Many times, the victims of these hiking accidents are teenagers and young adults.
Please pray for:
- An abundant rainy season.
- Cities to ready their drainage systems to avert flooding.
- Safety on the roads.
- Safety for those travelling in the desert in the coming months.
HFI Prayer requests:
We continue to prayerfully seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance to implement a renewed vision. Please join us in praying for:
November was a very intense month for Moran with two special groups in Israel. This month, he will spend more time in the Jerusalem office, investing in the staff.
Please pray for:
- wisdom regarding all areas of the ministry, that he would receive clear direction in making important decisions
- sustenance for studying & writing his weekly Scripture commentaries
- health for he and his family, especially as flu season is already in Israel
- protection and peace over his family
HFI Staff & Board Members
Please pray:
- for a blessing over our staff & board members who devote time and energy to executing our vision for the ministry
- for protection over their families while they serve
- for wisdom for the board members as they make decisions that impact the ministry in tangible ways
- for Bill Katz, our U.S. representative, for health & traveling mercies; for protection over his wife and daughter while he is traveling; for fruitful meetings and speaking engagements
- for God to bring us an Operations Manager in our Jerusalem office to oversee the daily operations of the ministry in Israel
- for Sarah, our newest staff member who joined the media team. She will be responsible for much of the content and copywriting for the ministry.
Threefold Vision for Empowering the Future Generation of Believers
Please pray for:
- wisdom for the staff as they continue this year’s program
- unity in the hearts of the team
- more volunteer counselors for this year’s program
NerYah Youth Group:
The weekly meetings continue to see many youth from all over the Jerusalem area! This group is so important for encouraging and discipling the believing youth, strengthening their faith, and providing a safe haven each week.
Please pray for:
- Older youth preparing for the army. We held a pre-army meeting for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students, and were able to offer them advice and hear their various goals for the army. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as they choose the paths they will take for the coming years, and for the leaders to be able to offer them sound and relevant advice for this next stage in their lives.
- This month, the leaders felt a huge difference in the level of intimacy and openness between them and the youth. Please pray for the leaders to have wisdom to know how to build meaningful relationships with the youth this year.
- Personal struggles of the youth, several of whom have opened up to leaders to share the individual challenges and temptations that they face. Please pray for strength and for physical, spiritual, and emotional protection for these teenagers. Please pray for wisdom for leaders to know how to approach the issues facing the youth.
Believing Soldiers:
Please pray for:
- Spiritual protection over the faith of believing soldiers.
- Physical protection for soldiers serving in combat units or in contentious parts of the country.
- For believing soldiers to have courage in their identity and that they could be a light for other soldiers in their units.
- Wisdom for the soldiers' coordinators in planning & implementing our monthly meetings
- That God will encourage the soldiers and speak to them even while they are at the base detached from any believing framework
Post-Military & University Students:
Please pray for:
- Continued strength for students who are now midway through their first semester.
- This year, students who receive scholarships from HFI are asked to give back through volunteering with youth. Please pray that these volunteer projects will be successful and that the students are able to impact the youth they work with.
HFI Media Projects
Our various media projects keep people connected to HFI and also help educate people about Israel's spiritual and historical significance. In a day and age where many people oppose Israel, we see advocating for both Israel and what the Word of God says about Israel as top priorities.
Please pray for:
- wisdom for Elad, Sarah, Moran, Nate, Lior, & Melissa as they seek to produce innovative and creative material for social media and the website
- increased engagement with our target audience on various social media platforms
- increased engagement & greater exposure for videos, especially our "Beyond the Headlines" project
- a video crew that we can work with in Israel to generate new content
- creating a grassroots movement of Israel advocacy via YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram
- informative & interesting articles and other original material that will educate our audience and encourage their spiritual development
- updating our website and messaging
One of the main objectives of our tour operation is to cover ministry overhead, so that a higher percentage of donations can go to projects.
Please pray for:
- wisdom for Moran as he continues to make challenging decisions regarding the tour operations
- BJ & Beverly for wisdom, flexibility, and patience as they handle the complex coordination of these tours from the USA
- a strong candidate to fill the position of Tour Coordinator in our Israel office
Ministry Finances
God has been so faithful in providing for the ministry's operating and project costs! We ask that you pray that He will continue to do so, and that we will be able to bless more Israelis than ever!