October 27, 2013

Organized Crime Rising in Israel:  Following the fatal car bombing of a mob boss in Askelon last week, Israeli police made several arrests in southern Israel, where organized crime is sharply rising.  It is a very serious problem in Israel, where many organized crime families are becoming more active and increasingly, this kind of crime becomes more lucrative.  Please pray that the police will continue to shut down organized crime, and do whatever they can to keep Israeli citizens safe from such activity.  Please also pray that serous and severe consequences will deter such crime and keep our streets safe.  For more, see Mob Boss Killed

Anti-Semitic Attack in Australia:  Four men and an elderly woman were brutally attacked on their way home from synagogue in a suburb of Sydney yesterday.  The attackers were apparently Muslim youth who were raging and shouting anti-Semitic phrases at the victims.  These kinds of attacks are on the rise throughout the world, which is a very telling sign of the times.  Please pray for the victims who were hurt, that they would recover quickly, and find Yeshua in their time of distress.  Please also pray that the attackers would find Yeshua and seek forgiveness for what they have done in blindness.  Lastly, please pray that as these kinds of attacks will no doubt increase, that believers in Messiah will stand firm in comforting Israel, and speaking the truth about God’s plan of salvation through Israel.  For more, see Attacks in Australia

Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as the time of the tribulation draws near; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah.  Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.

Thank you for praying! Have a blessed week…

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team