Turkey Discloses Identity of Israeli Spies to Iran: The Turkish Chief of Intelligence apparently disclosed the names of Iranians who were spying on behalf of Israel. This comes at a time when ties between Israel and Turkey are at an all-time low and causing much tension between the two countries. This development will, no doubt, only further complicate and worsen the situation between Israel and Turkey. Please pray for Israel as she is becoming more isolated in the world. Please pray for God’s wisdom for Israel’s leadership and for Him to reveal things to Israel in a way only He can. For more, see Turkish Betrayal
Syria Delves Deeper into Chaos: Members of the main Syrian Rebel group against Bashar Assad’s regime have broken away to form their own resistance. This has presented yet another glitch in the Syrian Civil war, which has grown further chaotic, and caused thousands of Syrians to lose their lives. As things grow worse in Syria, so does the danger for Israel, which shares a border with Syria. Please continue to pray for an end of the war in Syria, and for a great revival to take place there. Please also pray for wisdom for Israel as the government continues to make daily decisions about how to protect Israel from the fighting. For more, see Syrian Rebels Divide
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as the time of the tribulation draws near; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying! Shabbat shalom…
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team