October 13, 2013

Tunnel from Gaza to Israeli Town Discovered:  The IDF discovered a tunnel that ran from Gaza to an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza border, which was intended to bring terrorists into Israel to attack Israelis.  The terrorists also apparently intended to kidnap Israeli civilians to use them as bargaining chips to release Palestinians serving time in Israeli jails for terrorist activity.  Please continue to pray for Israel’s protection from her enemies!  Her enemies do not stop trying to destroy her, but we know that the LORD is Israel’s ultimate protector.  Please also pray that the LORD will continue to give wisdom and insight to Israel’s government and military to uncover such plans for attacks in the future.  For more, see Gaza Tunnel

Netanyahu Warns EU Against Easing Sanctions on Iran:  PM Netanyahu has been actively campaigning to stop the easing of economic sanctions against Iran.  He has been widely criticized by the international media for appearing shrill and hysterical, but he is not backing down in his mission to protect Israel.  Please continue to pray for that the LORD will frustrate the plans of the Iranians in their quest to attain a nuclear weapon.  Please also pray that the LORD will protect Israel from the blindness that the world leaders have to the true dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran, and for Israeli leaders to refuse to back down in their fight.  For more, see Israel vs Iran

Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as the time of the tribulation draws near; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah.  Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.

Thank you for praying! Have a blessed week…

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team