Judicial Reform Returns

As of the beginning of this week, the controversial judicial reform legislature forwarded by the far-right government of PM Benjamin Netanyahu is set to resume. Netanyahu called a halt to the bill’s advancement in March following two months of far-reaching protests and strikes against the reform. Since the halt, representatives of each group have engaged in negotiations under the auspices of Israeli President Herzog.

This week, after a tense stand-off between coalition (of governing MKs) and opposition over Knesset representatives to the Judicial Appointment Committee, during which the coalition activated a legal mechanism to delay the vote, the opposition announced their withdrawal from the talks at the President’s residence. The government replied that it would re-open the reform legislation, with or without consensus. Both groups published statements blaming the failure of the talks on the other.

While the content of the reform is important, the juvenile behavior of Israel’s lawmakers is more disconcerting. This is especially true since it occurs against the backdrop of increasing polarization in Israeli society as a whole, and the tightening noose of Israel’s arch-enemy Iran, who continues to seek out Israel’s weaknesses.

Please pray for unity and compromise in Israel’s public sphere. Please pray for mature leaders who prioritize the wellbeing of Israel as a whole! Lastly, please pray the Lord’s protection over His people and that this internal disagreement, however serious, does not create an opening for Israel’s enemies to take advantage.