Israel’s Regional Partnerships

With most of the Middle East spiraling into chaos and countries like Syria, Iraq and Yemen that have become failed states, Israel is put into a difficult situation when choosing who will be its regional allies. Iran and Russia are highly involved in funding and providing arms to their proxies in the region, many of whom are bent on the destruction of Israel. Recently, Israel has been finding new allies in countries like Cyprus and India, as well as potentially restoring some level of relations in Saudi Arabia and Turkey based on fighting mutual enemies. The stakes are high in the region and it is difficult to gauge the trust of others. We pray for wisdom for Israeli leaders and divine foresight to make decisions and form relations that remain in the overall benefit and safety of the people of Israel.

…I am God…declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past things which were not done, saying, My purpose shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure; (Isaiah 46:9-10)