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Dear Prayer Partners,
Shalom! March will be a pivotal month in Israel: Prime Minister Netanyahu will need to present his newly-formed government to Israel’s President in late March; President Obama will also be making his first visit to Israel since taking office four years ago, pushing the “peace” process and the formation of a Palestinian State; lastly, Israel will observe the Passover Feast at the end of the month amidst rising tensions with Palestinians, Syria, and Iran all on the horizon. Needless to say, Israel is in dire need of intercession from our faithful prayer partners throughout the world!
Please join us in interceding on behalf of Israel for:
Pesach (Passover): Passover begins sundown on March 25th. While this is traditionally a time for families to gather together in joy, it has also been a time for terrorists to strike in the past. Considering the rising tensions between Israel and the Arab Palestinians (see below for an explanation), the concern for terror attacks is much greater this year. Please pray for God’s sovereign hand of protection over Israel and her people during this Passover season. Please also pray for a supernatural awakening amongst the Jewish people, for a recognition of Yeshua as our perfect Passover Lamb, whose atoning blood has given us life!
New Israeli Government: Netanyahu has until March 20th to form his new government from both his own party and others that were successful. The past month has been filled with bargaining and politicking between Netanyahu and other parties whom he is enticing to partake in his government. It will be very interesting how things pan out, especially with the development of renewed “peace” talks between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. Please pray for great wisdom for Israel’s leaders in this pivotal time. Please also pray that we will turn back to our Heavenly Father, our sovereign King, and look to Him alone for guidance. Lastly, please pray for the leaders that are chosen to turn to God for guidance and humble themselves before Him rather than seek their own personal advancement.
President Obama to Visit Israel: Obama will visit Israel March 20th. This is his first visit to Israel since he took office four years ago. The primary reason for this visit is to reinstate the “peace” talks and to broker a deal for a Palestinian State. Netanyahu is showing many signs of breaking under the intense pressure from America to make this happen, and this is very concerning. Please pray for God’s intervention in this situation, and for strength for Israel’s leadership to not bow down to the world’s demands to divide the Land that belongs to the LORD. Please also pray that God will protect Israel from terror attacks that may be the fallout from Obama’s visit.
Heightened Tensions Between Israelis & Arab Palestinians: After a Palestinian prisoner died in an Israeli prison in late February, violent riots broke out amongst Palestinian Arabs in the Judea & Samaria region. There is also concern that a 3rd Intifada will break out. Please intercede for a breakthrough in this difficult situation! More importantly, please pray that the Body of Messiah in Israel will be a great blessing to our Jewish and Arab neighbors who do yet know Yeshua, as we know that things will grow difficult as the time of His return grows near.
Israel’s Hostile Neighbors: The security situation with Syria has grown more heated as fighting between Syrian dictator Assad and Rebels has spilled into Israel numerous times. Israel is also very concerned about transferring of chemical weapons from Syria to Lebanon where Hizbullah is likely to get their hands of them. Please continue to intercede for Israel, for her protection, and most importantly, for her salvation! Please pray for great wisdom for Israel’s government and military leaders, and for God’s continued blessing on those countries who support Israel in the meantime. Please also pray that those in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan will come to know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and for His protection over those who do know Him.
Iran Nuclear Talks: Recent talks between Iran and 6 world powers were unproductive and have ended without any progress. Iran continues to refuse to stop its uranium enrichment, sticking to its bogus claim that their nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. New talks have been set for the Spring; in the meantime, Iran continues to advance towards its goal of making a nuclear weapon, which would destabilize the Middle East even more. The world refuses to take more decisive action against Iran, and countries like Russia and China continue to support holding off on military action against Iran. These are very concerning times! Please continue to intercede for God’s protection of Israel from a nuclear-armed Iran, and for an immediate intervention in their nuclear advancement.
Israel’s Water Situation: Please continue to pray for abundant rain in the next month, and for advancement in desalinization techniques that Israel may begin to use water from the Mediterranean in addition to rainfall.
Experience Israel Tour: We are hosting a life-changing tour to Israel the first two weeks of this month; this is our flagship tour, where we not only bring people to interact with Israelis “on the ground”, but also have people actively bless Israelis in need, and really experience Israel of today. All of this blends with discovering ancient Israel, with a focus on the Israel in the time of Yeshua. Please pray for safe and easy travels for the group, and for a smooth, problem-free entrance into Israel. Please also pray for safety and quiet during the tour, especially with Syria & Lebanon, and that it would be a great blessing to everyone who participates.
Following are some ministry requests for Hope for Israel:
Moran — Please pray for wisdom and strength for Moran as he leads the ministry that God has entrusted to him. Please pray that God would protect his and his family’s health in the coming month. Finally, please pray that God would put His hedge of protection around them all and give Moran and Melissa great wisdom as the raise their three young children.
HFI Staff – Thank you for praying for our staff and their families’ health; we have seen a great move of the LORD to heal and strengthen. The office environment is growing more and more family-like, and we are all very encouraged by the LORD’s provision for our work. Please continue to intercede for our staff members, board members, and ministry partners & their loved ones; please pray that we will walk in the victory that Yeshua has given us over illness and disease. Please continue to pray for His protection over our children’s hearts & minds as well. Please also pray for the entire staff in our work, that the LORD would inspire and work through us to bring Himself glory in Israel. Lastly, please pray that God would give us wisdom for decisions we need to make regarding some possible staff changes.
Passover Project: Our yearly Passover project is in the preparation phase. We are making a step of faith to double the number of families that we give food packages and/or grocery coupons to! This is an incredible outreach that has blessed so many Israelis – believers and non-believers alike – in Yeshua’s name. Please pray that God will provide the funds to cover the project in full, and for a great harvest to come from this act of mercy! Please also pray for clear communication and working with one heart & mind for all who will be involved in making the project come to pass.
New Website – The new website continues to bring new visitors to our website, thanks to our talented website team! This team has recently taken over the responsibilities of keeping the website updated and making changes as needed. Please continue to pray for God’s blessing over this project, and for clear communication between everyone involved. Please pray for our new web team to be blessed and for God to use the website for His glory.
Newsletter – We are in the printing and mailing phase of our latest newsletter. This is one of our most effective areas in the ministry, and also one that comes under spiritual attack the most. Please pray for Moran, Melissa, Tamar, Mike, and Judy as we prepare the newsletter. Please pray for God’s wisdom, inspiration, and words as we write, design, and print the newsletter. (Click here to receive our newsletters)
Office space – We are still URGENTLY in need of a new space that will meet our needs for every different activity of the ministry. We have almost totally outgrown our current space, and it’s become a much more pressing need since we’ve added staff members! Please pray for gracious provision of a space that we will be able to purchase, so that we are not at the mercy of a landlord. Please also pray for the funds needed.
Healing: Many people who are involved with Hope for Israel or who partner with us have been sidelined with illness ranging from common colds/flu to more serious diseases. Please pray for God to protect all who are involved with our ministry from sickness and to heal those who are already fighting illness. Please pray for His shield of protection to be around the ministry and that God would continue to raise up prayer warriors for us.
Ner Yah Youth Group –The youth are continuing to meet on a weekly basis. David and Sappir are currently teaching about the importance of service rather than focusing on self – a challenging subject for youth culture today! Additionally, we have around 7-8 youth who will be entering their army service at different points this year, so we are hoping they develop the deep roots needed to keep them strong. Lastly, God has recently revived a vision for prayer and fellowship in the youths’ schools with two schools that have started this. Please pray that God would light the fire for prayer in more schools and among more youth in this time. Please also pray that the youth will continue to be rooted in the Lord through a deep relationship with Yeshua. Additionally, intercede for a breakthrough in many of the youths’ lives and that they would begin to turn their focus from themselves to God and those around them and learn to serve. Lastly, please pray for God to prepare those who will be entering the army and strengthen them for the time ahead.
Ner Yah Leaders – The youth group is overseen by Moran and two other adult leaders. In addition, there is a leadership team of youth leaders and junior youth leaders who volunteer to work with the younger youth. The two full-time adult leaders, David & Sappir, are doing a great job in leading the youth and we are so grateful for them! Please continue to pray for unity among the staff and leadership team. Please pray that God would give them wisdom as they seek to do His will with the youth and for God’s patience and love to be on David and Sappir as they continue to lead on a full-time basis.
Moms’ Group: The group continues to meet monthly; God has added some new mothers to the group, and it’s a great blessing to see the fruit of encouragement in their lives. Please continue to pray for a fresh anointing on the group and the meetings, and for each mom to be encouraged in her great work of raising a family. Please pray for Melissa, for guidance and insight, as she plans what to share and discuss at each meeting. Please pray for the mothers’ personal relationship with the LORD, that they will not neglect their first love in the busyness of every day life. Lastly, please pray that the mothers will be encouraged to take care of themselves – body, mind, & soul – in order to better care for their families.
Tour Department – One of the ways that Hope for Israel is able to supplement the ministry’s income is by organizing and leading tours to Israel. The tours also carry a strong ministry component, as tour participants often have opportunities to bless Israel via tangible acts of service. As the situation in Israel continues to heat up, it is more important than ever for followers of Messiah to show their support by physically coming to Israel. Please continue to pray that the LORD will bless this aspect of the ministry and that He would bring more and more people to witness of His love on these tours.
Lastly, please continue to pray for the salvation of Israel & the Jewish people throughout the world; we long for the day when all Israel will recognize her Messiah and bless Him… this is the key to unlocking the great spiritual blessing for the entire human race: “For if their rejection [of Yeshua] is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” Romans 11:15
May you have a blessed Passover and Resurrection Day!
In His Service,
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team