US Considering Allowing Continued Uranium Enrichment: The Obama administration announced that they are considering allowing Iran to continue low-level Uranium enrichment in a final deal. This is not acceptable to Israel, who has made clear that zero-enrichment is the only acceptable deal. The US claims that Iran will be held to strict compliance measures and the consequences for not complying will be severe. Please continue to pray that Iran will not achieve their nuclear weapon, and for the LORD to give Israel divine wisdom in how to proceed from here. Please also pray for His continuous protection over Israel as her enemies grow more powerful. For more, see Uranium Enrichment
EU Threatens Action if Peace Talks Fail: The EU has threatened to withhold funding for the PA if current round of peace talks fail. They have also said they would possibly institute a program for labeling all products that come from Jewish settlements, which would give European buyers the choice to possibly boycott those products. Please continue to pray for this current round of peace talks, that Israel will not be pushed to make dangerous concessions for “peace” and that Israel’s leaders will not fold to strong pressure from the USA and the EU. Lastly, please pray for Israel’s protection when these talks will most likely fail come April 2014. For more, see EU Threats
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as the time of the tribulation draws near; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying! Shabbat shalom…
The Hope for Israel Prayer Team