August 6, 2013

Police Attacked in E. Jerusalem Neighborhood:  Israeli police came under attack Monday night when they pursued two young Arab men after they were caught trying to set fire to a car in a Jerusalem neighborhood.  After one of the suspects escaped to the neighborhood of Silwan, police followed and were attacked by numerous rocks and stones.  The officers were lightly hurt, but this is one more indication of the rising unrest between Jews and Arabs in Israel.  Please continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, who is Messiah Yeshua.  Please pray that this unrest will die down and that civilians will not come under attack.  For more, see Silwan Attack

Head of Canadian NGO Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Israel: The former head of a Canadian NGO, “The Palestine House”, called for a complete wiping out of Jews from Israel this past weekend.  The group held a protest of the Jewish State’s “occupation” of Jerusalem to commemorate “Al Quds Day”.  Over 300 Sunni Muslims in the Ontario province of Canada attended.  Please pray that the world will see the danger in these kinds of speeches, which are inciting violence against the Jewish people.  Please also pray that people giving such speeches will be held accountable for their hate-filled words, and for a true redemption in their hearts through Messiah Yeshua. For more, see NGO Hatred

Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as the time of the tribulation draws near; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah.  Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.

Thank you for praying! Have a blessed week…

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team