Shalom from Jerusalem,
Thank you for your generous support of Hope for Israel. This summer has been very hot, in many respects. Our believing soldiers are dealing with a great deal of uncertainty. Especially during this time, we try to encourage our believing soldiers with messages of hope and support. We also distribute packages to them, which is tangible evidence of just a part of our gratitude, and our wish to support them.
In the soldier’s packages, we enclose notes with personal greetings to each soldier. These notes come from people who are dear to them, such as family members, friends and those close to them in the office. The soldiers are greatly encouraged by these expressions. Below is an example of a message we received from one of them:
Thank you with all my heart! You have touched me! Every time you surprise me anew. I return home and there is a gift! The things you have given are very significant. Please pass on to your staff, that I am very grateful for all, and it is meaningful that you are here for me and remember me.
When our believing soldiers are released, we walk alongside them, as many are dealing with feelings of confusion and anxiety. They must digest and process the intense experiences they have had in the war. Therefore, we try to support them on any level that is required. We do not want our believing soldiers to feel alone. We try to ensure, as much as possible, that nobody feels left behind or ignored, and that all receive whatever level of help they need. Your support is so vital in this area, and we are so grateful for it!
We have received many testimonies of thanks from our believing soldiers. They have told us that they feel encouraged by our support. We are honored to have done what we were able to and thank you for your help that enabled us to help them.
Thank you for entrusting your offering to Hope for Israel. Your partnership means a great deal to me, my team, and the many people who are blessed by the ministry’s work. May we continue to be a light and a blessing to the people of Israel during this dark and difficult time.
Founder & Executive Director
Hope for Israel