Shabbat of Unleavened Bread


Shabbat of Unleavened Bread

Exodus 12:21-51

Maftir: Numbers 28:16-25

Haftarah: Joshua 3:5-7, 5:2-6:1, 6:27

This Shabbat is the First Day of Unleavened Bread and therefore it would be treated as a Shabbat no matter upon which day it fell. On Friday evening the Passover Seder is observed. The Biblical basis for this special meal is found in the Torah reading.

And it shall be when you come into the Land which HaShem will give to you just as He spoke; and you shall keep this service.” Exodus 12:25

In the next verse, one reads about telling the story of the Passover to the next generation. In other words, the primary way that G-d’s work of redemption was passed on from generation to generation was through “telling”.

Often times, people become so concerned with the traditional elements of the seder that they focus on what the sages of old thought was important; rather than focusing upon the Biblical account. The important aspect is teaching what took place in the first 12 chapters of the book of Exodus and then revealing the relationship to what occurred in the last few days of Yeshua’s life leading up to His death and burial. One should always remember that He is our Passover.

The Last Supper actually took place on the night prior to the Passover seder. Here Yeshua instituted using the matzah and the wine symbolizing His body and His blood which were given for eternal redemption. The traditional understanding of the Afikomen and the Third cup add a great deal to understanding the New Covenant which Yeshua established through His death. Although this teaching is at the very heart of a proper understanding of Passover, I wish to focus upon another aspect of the Last Supper.

In John’s Gospel, Yeshua laid aside His garments and girded Himself. This is an act of a servant; not just any servant in a household, but one of the least in importance. Here is the L-rd of Lords, and the King of kings showing great humility and serving men. Just think, the Son of G-d washing the feet of humans! Do not miss the relationship in this passage between humility and service. Prideful people cannot serve.

My point is that so many people are so concerned with doing the seder exactly according to the common traditions which were inaugurated by man rather than manifesting the humility and the message of Messiah our Passover. My advice to you this Passover night, read more of Scriptures to those around the table. Stop and pray for the Holy Spirit to grant to each participant HaShem’s message for each of these passages. As you work through the various elements of the seder plate, find Scriptures that truly explain these elements.

I hope you will make your family’s seder much more Scripturally filled this year.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Passover