Hope for Israel Intercessors Letter – November 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

Shalom and Greetings from Jerusalem! In recent weeks a slow escalation of near-daily protests and incidents of violence have been occurring in Jerusalem, mainly coming from Arab centers or neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. There have been riots and stone throwing at police and the public train that travels across Jerusalem. Most residents in Jerusalem continue their lives as usual, but we always want to be sensitive to what tensions are rising in Israel, especially Jerusalem. There is a hatred that is seeking to kill and destroy innocent people and we want to always be prayerful that God will thwart the Enemy’s plans and turn hearts full of hatred into hearts full of the love of Yeshua.

Please join us in interceding on behalf of Israel for:

Prayer for Jerusalem: Last week a man from East Jerusalem intentionally drove his car into a crowd of pedestrians waiting at a train station in Jerusalem. Six people were wounded and sent to the hospital. One 3-month old baby was killed after the car ran into her stroller and another 22-year old girl from Ecuador died of her wounds a few days after the attack. The man driving the car, a member of Hamas, tried to run away, but was shot by the police and died the following morning. Please pray for the full recovery of those wounded. Pray for the family and loved ones of the two innocent victims who lost their lives. Pray for a forgiving heart and that others will not seek revenge for this horrible tragedy.

Israel’s borders: On the western border lies the Mediterranean Sea, to the North is Lebanon and Syria, the eastern border we share with Jordan, and in the South lies Egypt. In the past month, there were a number of incidents’ where firearms were fired into Israeli territory from borders with Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. Some of these claimed to be unintentional spillovers from conflicts in-country near the border. However, a number of soldiers and civilians were wounded. Please pray for a full and healthy recovery for those who were wounded. Pray that the cross-border fire will cease and Israel will find peaceful relations with her neighbors.

Pressing Issues Facing Israel: Now that the holiday season is over, Israeli’s are ready again to focus on pressing issues facing the country. To name a few topics on the table: defense challenges, negotiations with the Palestinians, Iran, ISIS, Hamas, boycotts against Israel, Israeli economy, poverty, and asylum seekers. With enemies surrounding on every border and difficult internal issues to address, Israel needs the prayers of friends. Please be praying for each of these issues individually and pray that God will strengthen and lead this nation to be a light to other nations around the world. Pray for discernment and wisdom for all of the decision-makers and for the people of Israel to grow closer to God.

Middle East Tensions: War continues to rage in Syria and Iraq. Terrorist groups like ISIS have taken advantage of the chaos that was brought with the war in Syria and used it to take over large masses of territory across the region. They continue to advance to the border of Turkey and Lebanon and are massacring innocent victims along the way. These atrocities that are occurring not so far from Israel’s borders are hard to imagine. We ask for your prayers for the Middle East, particularly in Syria and Iraq. Pray for the international coalition that is leading a counteroffensive against ISIS militants. Pray for the Lord’s hand of protection over the innocent civilians who are caught up in the crossfire of a ruthless war. Please pray for the defeat of any enemy that seeks to kill and destroy. Pray for the light to overcome the darkness.

Israel and Palestinians: The “peace talks” have long been postponed after the war with Hamas this past summer. Hamas and Fatah leaders continue talks to build their alliance. Hamas has agreed to let the Palestinian Authority to operate and increase its presence and responsibilities in the Gaza Strip. For Israelis and Palestinians alike, currently neither party sees a legitimate partner to pursue peace with. Fatah is bonding with Hamas, and Israel refuses to deal with a terrorist organization. Please pray for the true Peace of God to fall on this Land. Pray for wisdom for Israeli and Palestinian leaders and for them to turn to the Messiah as the only true source of peace and justice.

Rain: Praise God that Israel had her first rainstorm that reached most of the country a few weeks ago. We have entered into the wintery-rainy season where Israel receives the majority of rainfall for the entire year, enough to last throughout the dry season. Please pray for an abundance of rain this year. “Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1

BDS- Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions: Throughout the month of November we are starting a counter-BDS campaign in order to inform people about the impact this movement is having on Israel and the world, to uncover lies being spoken and speak out the truth. As well, we want to provide you with practical ways to combat this issue in your own lives and communities. This movement has caught much speed and is growing in followers daily, but we know that it is damaging in many ways. Please be praying for the staff at HFI as we enter into this campaign. We ask for prayers of wisdom, discernment, and a meek heart and not judgment. Please pray about how God could be asking you to be involved and speak truth in your own community.

Following are some ministry requests for Hope for Israel:

Moran – In the month of November, Moran will be leading three tours back to back, and directly following he will be traveling to the US for speaking events throughout the month of December. Constant traveling and speaking can drain a person in every way. Please pray that God will equip Moran spiritually and physically as he pours himself out in service for the Lord. Please also keep his family covered in prayer, especially for health and peace in the home, as Moran will be away for extended periods of time.

HFI Board  Please continue to pray for the Board as they always have important decisions for the ministry in front of them.  Please keep their families in your prayers as well, that the arrows of the enemy will not penetrate, but that the LORD will shield them.


HFI Staff  Please continue to intercede for our staff members, board members, and ministry partners & their loved ones; please pray that we will walk in the victory that Yeshua has given us over illness and disease.  Please continue to pray for His protection over our children’s hearts & minds as well.  Please also pray for the entire staff in our work, that the LORD would inspire and work through us to bring Himself glory in Israel.

Ner Yah Youth Group – Please keep the youth of Ner Yah in your prayers, for their hearts and their walk with the Lord. Pray that their relationship with the Lord would strengthen and their lives would be such a light that they begin the influence the world around them. Pray that they will be thirsty for more of God and for their hearts to be open towards Him.

Ner Yah Leaders – In the coming weeks we will be bringing on board Bat El, the newest woman leader in Ner Yah and assistant to David. Please keep Bat El in your prayers as she transitions from her current responsibilities and steps into this new position in Ner Yah. Pray that God would equip her for the calling ahead of her and give her vision and direction as she finds her place. Please continue to pray for the staff and student leadership team as they lead the group. Please pray that God would strengthen them in love and the fruits of the Spirit as they meet the youth weekly and disciple them.

Believing Soldiers’ Outreach – This outreach was established to meet the growing need for support of our young believing soldiers when they come home for the Shabbat. Please pray for Sara who is leading this outreach, that she will walk in God’s anointing and wisdom for this new ministry opportunity. Please also pray that she will have a deep sensitivity to what the soldiers need, and plan the meetings accordingly. Lastly, please pray that this group will be a wonderful blessing to our soldiers to keep strong in their faith, and be fruitful wherever the Lord has put them.

Experience Israel Tour – Please pray for the 10th Anniversary Experience Israel tour February 27th-March 14th. Pray that the Lord will bring the right people to join this tour and that all of the preparations and operations will be blessed.

Pastor’s Solidarity Tour- Moran is co-hosting a tour with Jerry Clark for pastor’s and their spouses January 19-27. Pray that this tour will bring the right leaders to come and stand by Israel and that all the logistics will run smoothly.

Tour Department – One of the ways that Hope for Israel is able to supplement the ministry’s income is by organizing and leading tours to Israel.  The tours also carry a strong ministry component, as tour participants often have opportunities to bless Israel via tangible acts of service.  As the situation in Israel continues to heat up, it is more important than ever for followers of Messiah to show their support by physically coming to Israel.  Please continue to pray that the LORD will bless this aspect of the ministry and that He would bring more and more people to witness His love on these tours. 


Lastly, please continue to pray for the salvation of Israel & the Jewish people throughout the world; we long for the day when all Israel will recognize her Messiah and receive Him… “For if their rejection [of Yeshua] is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” Romans 11:15


In His Service,

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team

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