West Bank Violence Has Increased: Violence in the West Bank has increased though authorities have stopped short of calling it a Third Intifada. For months, there has been a steady escalation of violence. On Tuesday, the IDF stopped a Palestinian who had four improvised explosive devices. In the Bethlehem and Ramallah areas, Palestinians threw stones injuring soldiers. Please pray for this violence to be stopped before it spreads further and that God would protect innocent civilians. Please also pray that God would stop the plans of the enemy and reveal Himself to those who are planning evil and they would turn from their ways. Lastly, pray that Israelis would look to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for justice and for protection. For more, see West Bank Violence
Turkey Demands Millions in Compensation After Israel Apologizes: After Israel apologized to Turkey for the attack on a flotilla that resulted in nine Turkish deaths, Turkey is demanding Israel pay millions to each family in compensation. Israel attacked in response to aggression by the flotilla members. However, Israel apologized in attempts to restore relations with Turkey in this crucial time. Along with the apology, Israel agreed to pay $100,000 to each family of the victims but Turkey is demanding $1 million. Please pray that Israel would be blessed for apologizing and giving up their right for recognition of the violence that the flotilla committed. Please also pray that a just solution would be reached and that the world would see the truth of the situation. Lastly, please pray that God would give wisdom to Israel’s leaders as they make decisions regarding alliances and diplomacy so that they would not act according to worldly wisdom but rather according to the wisdom of God. For more, see Turkey Demands Millions
Israelis Celebrating Passover Week: Israelis are celebrating Passover this week, which began at sundown on Monday, March 25. This is a beautiful holiday in which Israel celebrates their freedom from slavery and redemption. Please pray for continued protection over Israel during the holiday. Please also pray that Israelis would begin to see the many elements of the holiday that point to their Messiah, Yeshua. Lastly, please pray that many families would be blessed during this time and have their eyes opened to the truth.
Please continue to pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel as Israel is facing uncertain times; please pray we will be a great source of blessing to all Israel and that through our witness, many in Israel will come to know their Messiah. Please pray for strength, courage, gentleness, and boldness in our witness to our neighbors who do not yet know Yeshua.
Thank you for praying and standing with Israel! Chag Sameach…
The Hope for Israel
Prayer Team
2 Comments on “March 27, 2013”
I pray for you Moran and all who serve God and through Messiah is more hard because you have to even suffer attacks from your own people but we as the Body of Yeshua our Lord will walk in Love and boldly as He strenghtens us. He is our Redeemer and Captain. He goes before us! The Lord keep you and Protect you. May someday we could meet and serve together. Baruch Hashem! Good night.