Hope for Israel Intercessors Letter – February 2015

Dear Prayer Partners,

Shalom and Greetings from Jerusalem! It is hard to believe that we are well into 2015 already. We thank God for the blessing of abundant rain this year in the Land. For several weeks we received constant rainfall that has caused the water levels to rise and the countryside to bloom. Tensions in the Middle East are as high as ever with the war in Syria, ISIS continuing to steal ground and bring terror throughout Syria, Iraq, and approaching Lebanon, and the Gulf States struggling to deal with these power struggles in the region. In Israel, as the elections are quickly approaching, all of the news is focused on which parties will take control of the country and who will be the next Prime Minister. Please continue to pray for the country and the region, that God will shine His light in the midst of all of the troubles.

Please join us in interceding on behalf of Israel for:

Israeli Elections: After months of internal arguments within the Israeli government, Prime Minister Netanyahu called for the dissembling of the current government and early elections that will take place on March 17th. In less than two months the nation will decide which political parties will lead the Israeli public into the imperceivable future. We ask for your prayers for the outcome of the upcoming elections. Please pray for unity and integrity within the Israeli government, that leaders will rise up and stand for the truth of God’s word and lead the people of Israel on a just and godly path into the future. We know that God appoints kings to rule over nations and we pray that He will put in place a government that can face the challenges ahead.

Northern Border: A few weeks ago, the Israeli military carried out a secret operation that targeted and killed a major Hezbollah commander, an Iranian commander and other members of Hezbollah who were traveling together in Syrian village bordering Lebanon. It was reported that this was a team of terrorists planning an attack on Israel and were thus thwarted in their attempts because of Israeli intelligence. On Tuesday afternoon, two rockets were fired into the Golan Heights from Syria and Israel returned fire. Wednesday morning, Hezbollah fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli tank killing 2 young soldiers and injuring seven more. For the next few hours, Israel and Hezbollah fired back on forth a few times with no other injuries on the Israeli side. Hezbollah made a public statement that they do not wish to continue retaliation with Israel so the fighting has ceased in the meantime. Please pray for the families and loved ones of the soldiers who were killed and a full recovery for the injured that are receiving treatment. Pray for the political situation, that it will not deteriorate in the coming days or weeks. Pray for God’s hand of protection and wisdom for the military and political leaders making important decisions. Please pray that God will protect the northern borders of Israel and watch over the residents in the area. We know that our God never sleeps nor slumbers and we ask Him to guard this nation.

Anti-Semitism in the Nations: Now 70 years after the liberation of the death camp at Aushwitz, anti-Semitism has once again reared its head and is spreading once again across Europe and the world. It is becoming so widespread that it has caught the attention of world leaders and the UN recently held its first conference on anti-Semitism. A new report finds France is the most dangerous country for Jews and that anti-Semitic incidents rose 100 percent in France in 2014 and 400 percent worldwide during the months of Operation Protective Edge. Half of the racially related incidents in France were directed at Jews, which is shocking considering Jews make up less than one percent of the country’s population. Please pray that leaders worldwide would wake up to the growing threat that would seek to kill and destroy Jews throughout all the nations of the world and stand in opposition to this threat. Pray for protection of Jews who would become targets of the enemy. Pray for the Body of Believers that they would not fall into this trap of anti-Semitism.

Terrorist Attacks: Despite the fact that the number of terrorist attacks has reduced in recent months, much of this is due to security and police intelligence preventing attacks before they occur, the problem of terror has not disappeared. At any moment another terrorists plot to harm or kill Israelis could slip through the cracks of intelligence and bring chaos to the Israeli public, like we saw in the recent stabbing attack on a bus in Tel Aviv. This is a uncanny reality for Israelis to live in, never knowing at any point when, where and who will be the next victims of a terror attack. Yet, we serve a God who is in control of all circumstances and protects His children. Please pray that we would not live in fear of danger or an enemy that we cannot see. Pray for God’s hand to watch over all those the enemy would seek to harm. Also, that we would learn to love our enemy and pray that he would come into the light of Yeshua.

Poverty in Israel: Recent statistics in Israel show that there has been a 55% overall increase in child poverty in the past 15 years. The report also showed that child abuse in Israel has increased. In 2013, 66.4 percent of Arab children in Israel were living in poverty and 20 percent of Jewish children. Families living in poverty oftentimes have to make difficult decisions like whether to buy food for the kids or medication, paying the electric bill or buying books for school. There are many reasons for poverty, but much of it has to do with Israeli government policy: reduction of welfare pensions, a low minimum wage, and tax and labor laws, to name a few. Please keep those who are struggling to provide the basic necessities of food, medicine, and education for their children. Pray for the government to take notice and make progressive changes that will help lift these families out of poverty. Of course, pray that people would come to see God as their Provider.

Peace Process: Recently PA President Abbas was quoted as saying, “The world is on our side.” In many ways Abbas is correct. He has taken a strategy of taking his mission to the United Nations where he recently has proposed a resolution, with the help of Jordan, which calls for the full withdraw of Israeli presence from Judea and Samaria within three years. Several influential European nations have already shown their support for this resolution and are pushing their governments to support a Palestinian State. Pray for wisdom for Israeli and Palestinian leaders and for them to turn to the Messiah as the only true source of peace and justice. Pray for God’s hand to be over the voting process as leaders of nations show their true colors on where they stand in the world, in relation to Israel.

Rain: Praise God that Israel has received rain in the early winter months. We are hoping that the water will rise above the red line throughout the coming months in the places like the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee, Israel’s major water sources. Please pray for a continued and steady amount of rain to fall on this dry Land. “Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1

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Following are some ministry requests for Hope for Israel:

Moran – Please be in prayer for Moran as he needs to make a number of important decisions in the near future. Pray that God would provide wisdom and creativity to Moran as he writes his blog series and is working on a book with Baruch. 

40% Growth in 2015- We would appreciate it if you would join us in prayer about the growth and future of HFI. We have a goal to grow by 40% in financial giving in order to be able to serve with a greater capacity, as well to grow in partners and the number of tours we host throughout the year. Please pray for guidance and direction from God in every area of the organization – finances, partners, projects and tours.

HFI Board – Please continue to pray for the Board as they always have important decisions for the ministry in front of them.  Please keep their families in your prayers as well, that the arrows of the enemy will not penetrate, but that the LORD will shield them.

HFI Staff – Please continue to intercede for our staff members, board members, and ministry partners & their loved ones; please pray that we will walk in the victory that Yeshua has given us over illness and disease.  Please continue to pray for His protection over our children’s hearts & minds as well.  Please also pray for the entire staff in our work, that the LORD would inspire and work through us to bring Himself glory in Israel.

Ner Yah Youth Group – Please pray for the youth of Ner Yah, that they will have courage to deal with different pressures they face in their lives, not just to survive the difficult periods, but instead they will be strengthened and can share the Good News with their friends. In addition, please pray for their intimate relationship with the Lord and for a significant encounter with Him that will lead to lasting changes in their lives.

Ner Yah Leaders – Prayer for the leaders of Ner Yah, that they will be blessed with patience in their conduct with the youth. Also for expectations that the leaders carry to see meaningful changes in the youth, that they will trust the Lord and believe that their work is not vain and that they are touching them. They ask for wisdom in dealing with the many questions that the youth bring up in the gatherings.

Believing Soldiers’ Outreach – This outreach was established to meet the growing need for support of our young believing soldiers when they come home for Shabbat. Please pray for David and Sara who are leading this outreach – that they will walk in God’s anointing and wisdom for this new ministry opportunity. Please also pray that they will have a deep sensitivity to what the soldiers need as they continue to develop this department. Lastly, please pray for wisdom, strength and grace for the soldiers throughout all of the transitions that come with army service. Pray for them to be a light and true friends to the other soldiers surrounding them and that they will find direction for life in this season.

Experience Israel Tour – Please pray for the 10th Anniversary Experience Israel tour February 27th-March 14th. We have a few spots left that need to be filled and we would appreciate if you could keep this in your prayers also. Pray that the Lord will bring the right people to join this tour and that all of the preparations and operations will be blessed.

HFI Project- HFI is starting a number of new projects in the new year to bring the organization to a new place in a number of ways. Please keep us in your prayers for wisdom, growth, and direction in the way the Lord would lead as we make strategic decisions on these projects.

Tour Department – One of the ways that Hope for Israel is able to supplement the ministry’s income is by organizing and leading tours to Israel.  The tours also carry a strong ministry component, as tour participants often have opportunities to bless Israel via tangible acts of service.  As the situation in Israel continues to heat up, it is more important than ever for followers of Messiah to show their support by physically coming to Israel.  Please continue to pray that the LORD will bless this aspect of the ministry and that He would bring more and more people to witness His love on these tours. 

Lastly, please continue to pray for the salvation of Israel & the Jewish people throughout the world; we long for the day when all Israel will recognize her Messiah and receive Him… “For if their rejection [of Yeshua] is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” Romans 11:15

In His Service,

The Hope for Israel Prayer Team