Parashat Chayei Sarah (the life of Sarah) Genesis 23:1-25:18
Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31
In this week’s Torah portion, one learns why it is so important to be a child of Abraham. The Bible says that HaShem had blessed Abraham with everything (See Genesis 24:1). If you are thinking to yourself, “I wish that I was like Abraham” you can stop wishing and realize that you can have greater blessings than Abraham did. In this verse, the reader is told that when Abraham was old he was blessed in all things. The context of this verse implies that Abraham had experienced great blessings during the years of his life. However this verse states nothing about the afterlife.
When I read this verse I was immediately reminded of what Paul says,
“Blessed be G-d and Father of our L-rd Messiah Yeshua, the One Who has blessed us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly (realm) in Messiah.” Ephesians 1:3
For those who have accepted Yeshua’s provision of redemption, we have a promise that cannot be surpassed. One needs to pay attention to what Yeshua said about Abraham to the Pharisees,
“Your father Abraham rejoiced in order to see My day…” John 8:56
Abraham did not focus upon the many physical blessings that he received. I am sure he was thankful for them and these blessings served as an encouragement to him. But the desire of Abraham was in the future and upon what Yeshua called, “My day”. To what does this phrase refer? The answer is the Kingdom! Abraham knew that the material wealth that he had accumulated during the years of his life, along with everything else that he was blessed with, was small in comparison to life in the Kingdom.
My question for you is a simple one, “Are you longing with a great joy to see Messiah Yeshua?” I can assure you that being in His presence will make all the other things that we worry and experience anxiety about, seem so insignificant. Readjust your focus to the Kingdom and see how HaShem will change your perspective on everything.
Shabbat Shalom